營建產業是一個以「經驗」為導向的產業,但其知識與經驗的累積與傳遞一直缺乏著有系統的運作。專案是營建業中的核心活動(H.A.Bassioni et al.,2004),專案執行績效的優劣,可能會直接影響到組織的生存,因此如何管理專案績效,一直是工程各界所關心的議題。眾觀以上所述,我們可以知道「知識管理」對於營建業這個傳統產業是可以改善其績效之辦法。另外,隨著科技的日新月異,人們現在處於一個資訊爆炸的年代,無時無刻接受資訊快速的更新與變動,而資訊科技則是使知識管理績效達到最好的工具之一。 本研究試圖填補在實證研究中,營建產業內資訊科技導入知識管理對專案績效之關聯性文獻這塊缺口。而本研究之目的包含如下:(1)驗證資訊科技對知識管理活動之影響效果;(2)驗證知識管理活動對專案績效之影響效果;(3)驗證資訊科技對專案績效之影響效果;(4)驗證資訊科技是否透過知識管理活動對專案績效產生中介效果;(5)驗證專案類型在知識管理活動與專案績效之間是否產生干擾效果;(6)探索出資訊科技技術應用於各種知識活動時可提升專案績效之方案。而本研究範圍針對營建相關產業中曾執行過營建專案的先進作為調查對象。 本研究以營建相關產業作為研究樣本,問卷之發放採用隨機抽樣法;而針對所回收之115份樣本,採用之分析方法為敘述性統計分析、探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析、層級迴歸分析以及二因子變異數分析。經實證分析之後,獲致結論如下: (1) 資訊科技、知識管理活動以及專案績效兩兩間皆有正向之影響效果存在。 (2) 知識管理活動對於知識管理活動與專案績效間有中介影響存在。 (3) 不同之專案類型對知識管理活動與專案績效間有干擾效果存在。 (4) 歸納出提升知識管理活動成效之主要資訊科技技術。 (5) 歸納出可提升營建專案績效之主要知識管理活動。 而依據上述之假設驗證結果進行專家訪談,以提出實務上之實際狀況,並做一探討。最後,依據研究結果,對營建產業之專案團隊及未來研究提出具體之建議,以供營建產業在導入知識管理活動時可做為參考之依據。 This paper empirically investigates a sample of capital facility projects in the construction industry. The purpose of this paper is three-fold. The first objective of this study was to validate a model for assessing the relationships among IT application, KM practice adoption, and project success (project performance and project benefits). The second objective was to evaluate the mediating role of KM practice adoption in the relationship between IT application and project performance. The third objective was to investigate whether the effect of knowledge management on project success may be moderated by project type. The structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was used to validate the research model. These analyses suggest that levels of IT application are positively associated with projects' levels of knowledge management. Additionally, project outcomes can be achieved with higher levels of knowledge management. The findings also indicate that KM practice adoption fully mediate the effects of IT application on project performance in terms of schedule and cost success as well as quality and safety performance. The results also show that team relationship and team size have a moderating effect on the relationship between knowledge management and project success.