本研究使用光學設計軟體設計出一個鏡頭,接著將角錐體微稜鏡陣列板置於鏡頭前,利用稜鏡的偏光特性使單一鏡頭拍攝出四個不同角度的影像。本論文的稜鏡設計藉由頂角的控制可區分為兩種不同用途之設計,第一種設計可使影像一分為四且不重疊,而第二種設計則可應用於劇場式立體攝影系統,減少攝影機之使用量達到降低成本及提高空間的利用性。本篇論文同時提出將物體光源分為四等份來模擬出三維物體的光源,並利用LightTools光學模擬軟體模擬系統架構並驗證本研究之可行性。 In this study, it is proposed to employ a micro-pyramid prism array with a single camera to take four pieces images from different angles, and simultaneously the four images are distributed the sensor into four pieces evenly. Then, the former is employed to build a camera system with multi-angle views. At the beginning, the camera was designed by optical software , focal length(4.83mm) and field of view(59.48°). With the specification, the apex angle was designed to combine with camera. The article also presents a light source dividing into four pieces to simulate a three-dimension object. Finally, the researcher used the optical software(LightTools) to simulate the study, and to verify the theory working.