皮膚細胞的基層主要有兩種細胞生長於其上。其一是幹細胞(stem cell),另一種則是transit amplifying cell(TA cell)。正常的表皮細胞之生長行為會使細胞的總數維持在穩態,然而癌症細胞則傾向於自我分裂,而使得stem cell的總數異常增加,最終形成細胞密度較大的腫瘤。 本篇論文的模擬內容分兩部分:皮膚傷口的癒合模擬以及皮膚腫瘤的生長模擬。前者的主旨在於印證我們所引用的文獻的合理性,後者則是我們主要的研究內容。 透過巨觀尺度的模擬,我們的最終發現到了皮膚腫瘤的半徑大約是以每年10~20mm的速率逐漸擴張,當細胞的生長機制異變的越嚴重,腫瘤擴張的速率也會較高。而透過微觀的粒子模擬,我們解釋了惡性腫瘤以及良性腫瘤的差異:腫瘤的生長形貌和細胞的遷徙運動行為有著密不可分的關係! 此外,我們也針對細胞的異變係數做穩定性的分析,發現到異變係數存在著臨界值。倘若細胞異變的情況過於嚴重,癌細胞將會破壞掉皮膚組織應該維持的細胞總數之穩定性,進而毀壞掉整層組織。 On the basal layer of epidermis, there are two types of cells – stem cells (Stem) and transit amplifying cells (TA). The density of cells on the healthy epidermis must be const. But cancer cells tend to proliferate – the density of cancerous stem cells will increase, finally it will become tumor. In this paper, the simulations can be divided into two parts: Modeling wound-healing and modeling tumor growth. Wound-healing model was used to check the accuracy our simulation. Our main idea was to simulation the growth of tumor. In the simulation of macroscopic, we found that the growth rate of tumor was about 10~20 mm per year. When the mutant factor was increase, the growth rate will increase too. In microscopic, we can describe the difference of malignant tumor and benign tumor – the morphology of tumor were influenced by the migration parameter of cells. In addition, we analysis the stability of mutant factor, found that if the mutant factor was greater than critical value, the behavior of these cancer cells will destroy whole epidermis thoroughly.