前的資源配置演算法研究工作通常都會假設可以獲得完美的通道資訊,不幸的是,由於通道偵測誤差和時間回報延遲等原因,使得獲得完美的通道資訊在實際系統上是不可行的,因此在不完全通道資訊下的演算法獲得了很大的注意力。在本文中,我們就多輸入多輸出正交分頻多工系統下鏈方向提出了子載波、位元和功率分配演算法,我們使用一種含有2維編碼器-波束形成器的傳輸器以動態多使用者的多輸入多輸出正交分頻多工傳輸技術完成此配置,在假設基地台知道所有使用者所有子載波部分資訊,提出的配置演算法目的在使傳送的功率最小化,同時需要滿足傳送時的錯誤率限制及每個使用者的傳輸速度限制條件,而在模擬結果,我們可以看出我們提出的演算法在傳送功率上有著比傳統演算法更高的效能,並且有較低的複雜度。 Previous research works in the design of resource allocation algorithms have typically assumed the availability of perfect channel state information (CSI). Unfortunately, this is unpractical due to channel estimation error and channel feedback delay. Hence, the algorithm based on partial CSI draws much more attention. In this paper, we develop a subcarrier, bit, and power allocation algorithm for MIMO OFDM-based multiuser communication systems on downlink. We exploit a dynamic multiuser MIMO-OFDM transmit scheme with two-dimensional (2-D) coder-beamformers to the transmitter. Assuming that base stations know the partial CSI of all subcarriers of all users, the proposed allocation algorithm intends to minimize the overall transmit power while satisfying required error performance under a constraint of transmission rate of each user. The proposed algorithm offers better performance in terms of transmit power than the conventional algorithm as illustrated in the simulation results. The computational complexity is reduced.