由於數位科技的演進與安全意識的抬頭,視訊監控服務的需求正急遽成長。在此趨勢與需求下,網路視訊技術存在許多機會與挑戰;從視訊編解碼可適性化、視訊高畫質化、視訊智慧化等影音內容品質提升,乃至大規模與分散式影音管理,更進一步達到服務個人化與行動化,這些需求將衍生新的問題與挑戰。其中,針對不斷擴增的網路影音服務規模,如何系統化地儲存與管理分散於網路的影音內容,是未來發展具擴充性的影音服務必須面對的重要課題。因此本文對於網路視訊監控架構到搜尋機制的建立提出自行建構的網路視訊監控平台系統,並對於對網路視訊監控儲存搜尋機制提出分析及研究,再利用前述平台作為驗證的環境。 Due to the rise of the digital video technology and safety surveillance awareness, video surveillance services are growing quickly. The opportunities and challenges of network video technology from video encoding and decoding of adaptability, high video quality, video intelligence such as audio and video content to improve the quality and even large-scale and distributed video management. The further service of individuals and storage action will raise the new problems and challenges. For the continued expansion of the network scale of audio-visual services, how to systematically distributed network of audio and video content storage and management is the issues. The future development of expanded surveillance service on storage managements must face an important change. Therefore, the article is target on open network surveillance system and storage structure for search mechanism design to open standard ONVIF platform of network video surveillance system. And also include the network video surveillance storing search mechanism analysis and the technique research using on the ONVIF 2.0 storage system environment.