本文利用高頻訊號注入法於低轉速,實現表面黏著式永磁同步馬達之無感測驅動系統。注入之高頻訊號會造成電動機 軸的阻抗不同,藉由擷取馬達內部固有的凸極性來獲得轉子位置和轉速訊號,調變部分則採用空間向量調變控制的輸出方式,改善傳統選擇電壓向量表無法輸出平順弦波電壓的問題,進而改善馬達運轉時之轉矩漣波等問題,最後利用MATLAB/Simulink以及實驗來驗證其可行性。 本文以dsPIC33FJ128MC708為整個系統的主要核心,並與智慧型功率模組為基礎實現全數位化之無感測永磁同步馬達驅動器,能有效的簡化電路,降低整體驅動系統的開發成本。 The objectiveof this thesis is the implementation of sensorless of driverSureface-Mounted Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor(SMPMSM) based on thehigh-frequency signal injection. In SMPMSMS, dueto the flux of the permanent magnet, the stator core around theq-axis winding is saturated. This makes the magnetic saliency inthe motor.This magnetic saliency has the information about therotor position. The high-frequency voltage signal is injected intothe motor in order to detect the magnetic saliency and estimatethe rotor position.Traditional six-voltage-vector is difficult to produce a sinusoidal voltage to PMSM. This thesis usesSpace Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) to overcome the problem.Finally,experimental and simulation results confirmed the feasibility of the sensorless controller. This thesis used a full-digital drive based on intelligent power module and digital signal processor.This drive not only efficiently simplifies the circuit, but also reduces the cost of the system.