隨著二十一世紀人類文明不斷的進步與發展,先進的醫療技術不但增進了人類的生活品質,也延長了人類的平均壽命。為了提升醫療品質與效率,遠距醫療受到了廣大醫療界的重視,遠端醫療不但節省了病人的通勤時間,也節省醫院的門診醫療空間。 近幾年來,遠距醫療訊號傳輸已經被建立在許多無線通訊技術上,如:GSM、藍芽、無線網路等。然而,這些無線通訊技術通常需要使用者另外購買複雜的系統,對於無線通訊上的干擾、傳輸衰減、多重反射問題,也有待改善。因此,一種便宜且具有廣大分佈網路,以及高信賴度的傳輸技術,是值得發展的目標。 在本篇論文中,我們建立遠端醫療心電訊號傳輸系統於家庭電話網路上,我們只需在家用電話上增加一顆微電腦,心電訊號就能被調變並傳輸到遠處醫療中心。本論文提供了一個便宜又方便的遠端居家心電訊號傳輸系統。 Following the progressive developments of civilization in the 21st century, the advanced medical care technologies improve the life quality of human life and consequently prolong the mean lifetime of human. To achieve a better efficiency in the distribution of medical resources, telemedicine and remote-monitoring have drawn great attention which provide flexible solutions to save the commutation time for patients and the clinic space for hospitals. In recent years, techniques for remote monitoring of bio-signal transmission have been built based on wireless communication technologies, such as GSM、Bluetooth、wireless network, etc. However, drawbacks might arise due to the high demand of system complexity in these wireless communication system and deterioration of signal quality caused by the interference, transmission attenuation, or multi-reflection during transmission. Accordingly, a cheap communication approach for remote monitoring with high reliability and widely-constructed network is need. In this thesis, a remote-monitoring channel has been constructed based on home telephone networks. Only a microprocessor is required to modulate the electrocardiac signal and transmit to remote health care centers. The proposed technology may provide a cheap and convenient way for constructing a remote homecare system.