摘要: | 本論文主要討論運用於微波高功率高效率放大器及振盪器設計,使用橫向擴散金氧半場效應電晶體(LDMOS)元件及0.15 µm假晶式高速電子遷移率電晶體(PHEMT) 積體電路製程來實現。高功率電路最主要設計重點在於它的效率,如果效率低,將會產生過多的熱能使得系統溫度過高及消耗額外的直流功率,E類功率放大器的設計公式已經相當成熟,擁有高效率及架構簡單的優點,相當適合用於高功率高效率放大器及振盪器電路設計。 第一章為整篇論文之緒論,討論高功率高效率電路的發展現況及電晶體製作技術發展,第二章利用E類功率放大器設計公式製作應用於100 MHz之10與150 W功率放大器設計,其效率可達75%以上。第三章則進一步結合E類功率放大器的設計方法並結合回授網路,實現出高功率高效率之100 MHz 150及 300 W之功率振盪器,效率最高可達83%,距載波中心頻率(Offset Frequency)10 kHz,其相位雜訊分別可達-113.4 及-117.21 dBc/Hz。第四章則進一步利用放大器結合回授網路設計方法製作出全積體化高功率高效率功率振盪器,並利用於0.15 µm假晶式高速電子遷移率電晶體 (PHEMT) 製程設計出2.4及24 GHz之功率振盪器,2.4 GHz振盪器最大射頻功率輸出可達約27 dBm,最大效率可達48%,24 GHz振盪器最大效率可達23 dBm效率達15%。 This thesis emphasizes on high power high efficiency power amplifiers and power oscillators for microwave and millimeter-wave (MMW) applications. The circuits are designed and fabricated using laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) transistors and a 0.15 µm PHEMT technology. The dc-to-RF efficiency is an important specification for the high power circuits. If the efficiency is not high enough, the heating and dc power consumption both increase. The design equation of the class-E power amplifier is reliable. The class-E topology is appropriate for the high power high efficiency power amplifier and power oscillator because it has high efficiency characteristic and simple topology. An introduction for the development of high power high efficiency circuits and transistor technologies are given in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, using the class-E topology is adopted to design a 10 W and a 150 W power amplifiers at 100 MHz. The power amplifiers exhibit a maximum efficiency of higher than 75%. In Chapter 3, 100 MHz 150 and 300 W power oscillators have been presented by combining the topology of the class-E power amplifier structure and the feedback networks. The power oscillators exhibit a peak efficiency of 83%. The phase noises at 10 kHz offset of the 150 and 300-W power oscillators are -113.4 and -117.2 dBc/Hz, respectively. In Chapter 4, 2.4 and 24-GHz power oscillators are designed using a 0.15 µm PHEMT technology. The 2.4 GHz power oscillator achieves a maximum output power of 27 dBm and a maximum efficiency 52%. The 24-GHz power oscillator achieves a maximum output power of 23 dBm and a maximum efficiency 15%. |