本研究開發一套整合無線射頻辨識、觸控式螢幕及LED顯示器的即時點名與教學回饋系統以建立電子化教室,開發的系統主要有即時點名與即時教學回饋兩大功能,即時點名的功能能夠自動點名、自動定位,即時教學回饋的功能可讓學生立即反應對課程的了解程度。另外,為了解本系統對教學的有效性,本研究並設計一個針對科學相關課程的學習態度評量表,評量表中分五個構面討論,分別是學生對科學自身的感覺、在校內與校外學習科學、未來參與科學相關的事物以及科學的重要性,總共有26題。根據系統使用的前測與後測衡量,可了解此互動學習系統的效果。個案研究的結果顯示,開發的系統對於學生的學習態度在評量表中大部份的題項都呈現顯著正向的影響。總結而言,此系統提供教師另一種教學方式,以提升學生的學習動機,教師也能透過此系統隨時掌握學生的學習狀態。 This study developed a real-time identification and feedback (RIF) system integrating radio frequency identification, touch panel, and LED display to construct an e-classroom. The developed system includes two major functions, real-time identification and real-time teaching feedback. The components of real-time identification consist of automatic identification and automatic positioning. The function of real-time teaching feedback allows student expressing the level of understanding for the instruction in real time. A questionnaire regarding learning attitude was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of developed system. There are 5 major constructs of learning attitudes in the evaluation worksheet, including self-concept, inside school, outside school, future participation and importance. The case study results show that the developed system has significantly positive impacts on most of the learning attitude measurements. Hence, this RIF system provides an innovative teaching and learning alternative to enhance the environment of e-classroom.