本論文主要是試探討市場開放與人力資本對於越南此一轉型經濟體區域經濟發展的影響。利用越南59個省份從1995年到2007年的縱橫資料 (Panel Data)進行實證估計的結果發現: 省份的貨物運輸使用愈頻繁與電話用戶愈密集,亦即基礎建設愈完善,對各省份的人均國民所得會有正向的提升作用。市場開放的影響部分,若該地區的出口量愈多與外人直接投資越多,因為出口學習效果與外人直接投資帶進先進的技術,均對該省人均國內生產毛額具有正向且顯著的影響。此外,無論是以高中以上還是大學以上學生數為人力資本的代理變數,對於越南各省經濟成長皆有正向的影響,且人力資本扮演吸收能力的角色,促進學習外人投資的知識進而對區域經濟發展有正面助益。國營企業占生產比重與越南各省人均國內生產毛額則呈現負向的顯著關係,表示越南國營企業較缺乏效率,導致以國有企業為生產主力的省份,經濟成長的表現較差。 This thesis aims to investigate the influences of openness and human capital on regional economic performance in a transitional economy, Vietnam. Utilizing a panel dataset of 59 provinces during the 1995-2007 period, we find that infrastructure, measured by both cargo and intensity of telephone usage, has a significantly positive impact on regional per capita GDP, highlighting the importance of infrastructure on regional economic performance. Crucially, market openness in terms of exports and foreign direct investment (FDI) exhibit a positive and significant relation with regional economic performance. This result suggests that openness indeed enhance Vietnamese economic growth. Human capital not only contributes to regional economic growth due to higher labor quality, but also serves as the absorptive ability to learn advanced knowledge embodied in FDI. Finally, the share of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) production to regional total production appears a negative relation to regional economic performance, implying that SOEs are generally less efficient compared with private and foreign-owned firms. Even though the 2000 economic reform enforces SOEs to face the competition with private and foreign-owned firms, SOEs remain less efficient.