過度自信 (overconfident) 是因為人類的無知而產生的偏誤認知現象。資訊管理的學生因為自身的資訊科技知識,是否因此對資訊經理的重要性產生過度自信現象?如果很嚴重,那資訊管理的學生將來就業之後,或許會高估資訊科技的用途,而無法發現企業管理真正的問題。 本研究也認為擁有工作經驗的學生較能夠觀察到企業管理問題。以及資管教育可以讓學生的後設認知增加,也就是有孫子兵法所謂的“知己知彼”,與老子的“自知者明”的自知能力。管理教育能夠幫助學生正確的評估自己的管理能力,減少過度自信的現象。 本研究以四群不同背景的樣本為研究對象,分別為資訊管理所碩士班、資訊管理在職專班、EMBA 高階主管、科技大學碩士生。透過自行撰寫個案,並在個案後面附上問卷來收集資料。 研究結果證實有工作經驗的 EMBA 高階主管以及資管在職專班對比於沒有工作經驗的資管碩士班學生更可以看到企業真正的問題;有資管專業知識的碩士班學生以及在職專班對比於沒有資管專業知識的 EMBA 高階主管會高估資訊系統的功能;受過資管教育較多的二年級學生比一年級學生過度自信的現象較輕微。資訊管理教育中的管理教育使學生了解到企業管理問題。 Overconfident is a kind of cognition bias, the reason is because human’s ignorant. Because information management students have IT professional knowledge, this knowledge maybe cause overconfident to IT manager, if this phenomenon is very serious, then after information management students graduated from school, maybe they will overestimate the functions of IT, and they will not find really problems in business management. This research also hypothesize someone who has work experience, he can find really problems in business management. And information education can help students have metacognition, it means students can understand what knowledge they have, and how they can use it. Management education can help students evaluate his management ability, so it can reduce overconfident. The four kinds of samples of this research are university’s MIS graduate students, MIS Graduate School professional studies program designed for working professional students, executive master of business administration (EMBA) students and university of science and technology graduate students. The results of this research are students have work experience can find really problems in business management, students have IT professional knowledge will overestimate the functions of IT, MIS education can reduce students overconfident phenomenon. The management education of MIS education let students know business really problems.