摘要: | 航太產業飛機維修Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul,簡稱MRO,為高度資本及技術密集產業,在航空產業價值鏈中極為重要且附加價值高,在產品生命週期中,整體平均產值,超越新製產品至少四倍以上。其中,航空公司所屬的飛機工程維修組織Engineering Maintenance Organization,簡稱EMO,原主要業務範圍較侷限在維修自家航空公司的機隊及飛航據點的其他友航的相互維修的支援,但近年來,積極的開拓並爭取國外客戶飛機維修的業務,不僅可以讓原有的飛機維修廠房、設備、人力充份的發揮效益,更可為航空公司增加另一項穩定重要的收入。 個案航空公司維修組織EMO在各階段資訊化的演進過程中,長期以來的資訊系統發展形成的「分散式資料庫」運作現況,隨著組織業務的成長,處理部門程序間資訊流介面,是目前機務維修組織必須要面對的課題,但目前航空公司對於EMO對維修的資訊需求與應用是相對保守的,有鑑於此,本研究之目的將包括: 1. 以航空公司角度來探討與民航管理組織、製造廠、修理廠之間的關係與資訊交換情況。 2. 研究航空公司EMO各項業務重要流程關連,與分散的資料庫的發展現況。 3. 在考量組織文化影響、政治的衝突、預算成本及跨部門間的運作流程改變影響最小化的考量下,提出「以飛機維護流程的最末端紀錄管理系統下,建立一跨各分散資料庫系統的資訊整合平台」的提案建議,以提升部門間的資訊能見度及整體的資訊服務品質。 The aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul industry, referred to as MRO, is highly capital and technology intensive industry. It is extremely important and high value-added in the aviation transportation industry value chain, the overall average value more than four times beyond the new aircraft in the products life cycle. The airline owned aircraft Engineering Maintenance Organization, referred to as the EMO, the main business scope is the maintenance of their own airline's fleet and support some customers, but in recent years, active to developing foreign customers for aircraft maintenance to improve the utilization rate of the facilities, equipments and manpower, but also for the stability of another increase revenue for airlines. Case study of EMO in all stages of the evolution of information system development for several decade years has long been the formation of “distributed databases”. For the current status with the organization's business growth, to handling information flow among departments become a major issue. The airlines have a relative conservative view for EMO information development. Therefore, the purpose of this study will include: 1. Study the relationship and information flows among aviation authorities, airlines & repair station at the point of view of the airline. 2. Study the business processes and information flows in EMO of airline and the status of an improper managed “distributed databases.” 3. In consideration of impact of organizational culture, political conflicts, budgets and minimum processes change. Propose to build a information integration platform at the maintenance record keeping unit which is the end process of aircraft maintenance for enhance the visibility and quality of service of information system. |