系統可靠度是在一定操作條件下其功能達成的機率。現今系統是由多種不同元件為達到某特定功能所組成。考慮其功能的複雜性;各元件或子系統往往具備不同之設計目的與功能導致其各自具有不同的負載能力與工作環境。為使提升可靠度大量的複聯、分負荷構件運用於系統中以提升可靠度,以致系統結構已無法以單純串並聯加以描述,此乃一複雜系統。為了進一步了解系統互動行為,本計畫必須首先定義何謂關鍵元件以及其替代方案的產生。在實際上應進行了解該關鍵元件是否具備行為監視以及負載督導的可行性。本計畫考慮該系統中各元件功能之退化係依據累積損傷造成,透過隨機圖論將各元件以節點及傳輸邊連接建立網路模型;藉由網路模型的分析評估複雜系統的可靠度。探討系統各元件之關鍵性指標,以及相關網路之負載調整的規劃。依此結果將可考慮適當監視系統的建立。若該元件對系統可靠度的影響需調整時則考慮局部分負荷系統取代該關鍵元件,亦即新的改良系統;此一工作得不斷重複以提升可靠度至成本上限。相關結果可作為後續維修保養策略之依據。The system reliability is defined as the probability of success to perform its desired function. A system combines a huge number of individual components each has its own mission to perform the dedicated function. To improve the system reliability, some amounts of hybrid or load-sharing subsystems are considered instead of a sequence of primary key components. Such structure becomes complex. The load assignment among key subsystems is the critical work due to that a proper supervising of such loads extends life. The purpose of this project is to study both the effects of cumulative damage in the components of system and loading assignments on the system performance variation. To achieve the above goal the first work is to develop a methodology to identify which is the most critical component called the key component. After that a modified sub-network should be established instead of the key element, and then a proper load share among the local network becomes the issue in the project. Such procedures can be continued step by step until either the planning life or the cost meets its limitation. This information provides the base as the schedule of maintenance tactic in the modified system. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107