本計畫企圖結合近年兩個新興的重要理論典範──「治理」與「情感」── 以探究新自由主義全球化進程下的權力操作與主體形塑、情感結構與人群凝聚、文化再現與被排斥的回返。本計畫將追溯「感性」在以工具理性化為主要趨力的現代化進程中的幽微出線以及Marcuse「新感性」概念在新左思想中的重要啟發,更重要的是,本計畫將聚焦於當下成形中的婦幼感性氛圍如何扣連與現代性並駕齊驅的文明(civility)以促成一個價值觀強烈趨同、大力撻伐異己的態勢,並與全球治理接軌,形成新全球局勢下的世界公民規範;這個規範越來越不是條例明列的行為準則或規定,而更多的是以義憤情操與積極淨化作為基礎的公民情感與集結行動。本計畫也將聚焦討論近年來持續浮現的另一些理論努力如何重新理解被civility 放逐的壞情感,並在其中挖掘新的文化意義和抗爭動力。 The present research project observes the convergence of two important theoretical paradigms in the present age—that between governance and emotions—so as to investigate the power deployment and subject formation, structure of feelings and volatility of the crowds, cultural representations and the return of the banished all under the globalization of neo-liberalism. The project will trace how a new sensibility is formed in the progression of a modernization process dominated by instrumental reason, as well as the implications of Marcuse’s concept of “new sensibility” for considerations of radical subjectivity. Special attention will be paid to how a women-children-oriented victim sensibility becomes linked with the civility that constitutes modernity to produce a world of homogenization of values as well as condemnation of the morally dissident, resulting in a new set of civic norms for the globalized world. These civic norms are moving away from codifications and regulation of behavior, toward self-righteous fervor and active collective efforts at social purification. The project will also discuss how recent theories are picking up bad emotions banished by the ideal of civility, in an effort to excavate empowering and resistant forces. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107