摘要: | 本計畫之目的,是針對「東西文化衝擊/交流與藝術表現」主題,購藏涵蓋重要研究議題之圖書,以期增益國內有關東西藝術文化交流領域之研究。本計畫為期兩年,第一年購書重點以中世紀至二十世紀初西方對近東與中國文物的接受、再創作、以及想像與詮釋為主軸,包含介於東西之交的拜占廷藝術、伊斯蘭和歐洲的互動、東方主義、中國風尚等藝術風格潮流,以及造成這些藝術潮流的經濟文化脈絡,包括東西貿易、中國外銷藝術等,並由東方主義議題延伸至當代後殖民思潮中對帝國、殖民、東方主義的反思等。第二年,購書重點首先放在旅行、耶穌會傳教士、歐洲宮廷與清宮、西方對東方文物的收藏展覽等,繼而轉向日本與歐洲的交流,包括日本風尚、日本的蘭畫、南蠻美術等,最後回到十九、二十世紀中國與日本如何在西方強勢文化衝擊下,進入藝術現代化的相關議題。中央大學藝術學研究所在國內學術聲望優良,教學研究核心領域為中國、日本、西方近現代藝術史,東西藝術交流互動亦是本所多位教師關心、研究的主題。本圖書計畫如蒙通過,將能有效提升校內和國內之研究資源,激發進一步研究潛能,以期能在當今國際學界熱切關注東西交流議題之際,做出一些貢獻。 The aim of this two-year project is to acquire a rich library collection on the topic of the cultural clashes/interactions and artistic expressions between West and East, so as to benefit the scholarship in this field in Taiwan. The focus for the first year is on the Western reception, re-creation, imagination, and interpretation of Eastern artistic cultures from the medieval to the twentieth century. Key areas of acquisition include Byzantine art, the interactions between Islam and Europe, Orientalism, Chinoiserie, and associated socio-economic contexts such as the trade between East and West and China export art. Books which address the contemporary issues of postcolonialism reflecting on Orientalism, empires, and colonization are also included. In the second year, the main areas of acquisition will firstly be travel, the Jesuits, the European and Qing courts, and Western collections and exhibitions of Eastern arts, to be followed by topics related to the artistic interactions between Europe and Japan, such as Japonisme, Ranga, and Namban art. The second phase of acquisition will be focused on issues about the processes of modernization of Chinese and Japanese art in response to Western forces in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Graduate Institute of Art Studies at National Central University is well-acclaimed in scholarship and teaching, of which the core areas are the history of Chinese and Western art from the early modern through the contemporary period. Its faculty also has common interest in the artistic interactions between East and West. If this library project is successful, it will greatly widen the horizon and strengthen the vitality of the research and teaching of NCU and the field of humanities in Taiwanese universities. It is also hoped that this library collection will encourage and inspire further researches, to contribute to the international scholarship in this field. 研究期間:10006 ~ 10105 |