摘要: | 汞是一個全球性污染物,主要經由大氣長程傳輸到達全球各地,據估計每年全球人為大氣汞排放量為2320 公噸,其中石化燃料燃燒每年排放810 公噸的汞到大氣中,是最主要的人為排放源,因此大氣汞與酸性污染物前驅物有一項重要共同來源:燃煤火力發電,這也是包含台灣在內的東亞諸國主要的能源供給方式;就區域而言,中國每年人為排放量為609.1 公噸,高居全球第一位。此外,研究指出生質燃燒也是重要大氣汞排放源,每年約釋出675 公噸的汞到大氣中。東亞地區近年來經濟發展能源需求上升,石化燃料使用大幅增加,中南半島春季則有顯著生質燃燒活動,這些都是大氣汞重要排放源,而台灣位居東亞大氣污染與東南亞生質燃燒傳輸途徑之下風處,東亞大氣汞輸出對台灣與周遭地區(如南海)空氣、環境、生態與人民健康的影響亟需調查與評估。本研究計畫之目的即是藉由在鹿林山、東沙島、海洋研究船與源區(越南、泰國) 進行大氣汞密集觀測,結合其它子計畫研究成果,探討東亞地區與南海大氣汞之分佈、源與受體之關係、長程傳輸過程,並評估其對區域環境之衝擊。 Mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant, which is distributed worldwide primarily via atmospheric long-range transport. According to a recent estimate, the global anthropogenic atmospheric Hg emission is about 2320 tonnes per year. Fossil fuel combustion is the major anthropogenic emission source, which releases 810 tons of Hg to the atmosphere annually. Therefore, atmospheric Hg and the precursors of acid deposition share an important emission source: coal-fired power generation, which is the major type of power supply in East Asia, including Taiwan. Regionally, the annual anthropogenic Hg emission from China is 609.1 tonnes, which is the highest in the world. Biomass burning, as indicated by recent studies, is also an important emission source that releases around 675 tonnes of Hg to the atmosphere. In the past few years, the economy booming in East Asia prompts the demand for energy that results in the increases in fossil fuel combustion in this region. Additionally, Indochina Peninsula has strong biomass burning activities in spring. The aforementioned activities are all important atmospheric Hg emission sources located in East Asia. Taiwan is located downwind of the transport pathways of the East Asian air pollutants and the Southeast Asian biomass burning plumes. Therefore, the impacts of East Asian atmospheric Hg exports on the atmosphere, environment, ecology and human health in Taiwan and neighboring areas (e.g. South China Sea) need further investigation and assessment. By conducting intensive measurements of atmospheric Hg at Mt. Lulin, Dongsha Island, aboard a research vessel and in the source region (e.g. Vietnam, Thailand), in combination with the research results of the other sub-projects, following research objectives will be explored: 1. To study the regional distribution of atmospheric Hg in East Asia and the South China Sea; 2. To evaluate the source-receptor relationships; 3. To investigate the long-range transport process; 4. To assess the impacts of atmospheric Hg on regional environment. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107 |