台灣地區的地體構造在歐亞大陸與菲律賓海板塊的碰撞與隱沒作用下伴隨著造山運動往往造成淺部(地殼)的地質與構造呈現相當程度的複雜度。如何釐清台灣的造山與板塊系統的演化過程是多年來國內外地球科學界的研究重點區域之一。由於現階段國內地震學的研究對台灣島內及海域的地殼或岩石圈構造的瞭解或對台灣外海地區對天然地震定位準確性的要求持續提高,而國內對於海底地震儀(Ocean Bottom Seismograph,OBS)儀器在海域資料探勘與深部構造探索的使用也趨於頻繁,故以海洋立國的台灣未來利用OBS 儀器的資料收集、資料處理及解釋技術系統的建立將十分重要。本計畫擬著重於針對結合多波道海域震測資料(Multi-Channel Seismic, MCS)及OBS資料的處理和解釋技術的研發。並配合實際資料的分析祈能對台灣地區複雜的地殼構造瞭解更加透徹。於1995年進行的台灣寬角度深部構造計畫(TAICRUST)提供了本計畫主持人與國內研究同仁參與資料的分析、處理、解釋與成果發表等的研究經驗。本研究為承續TAICRUST與目前進行的TAIGER計劃的執行,在研究方法上將以全波場逆推處理海域人工炸測(主動式震源)長支距震測資料。主要目的為針對收錄的速度或位移資料,透過逆推理論進行地下構造的探索。透過方法的研發、程式的發展測試,資料的前處理與確認逆推方法的穩定度;TAIGER/TAICRUST資料的結合應用與資料的分析;並結合1995年的研究成果(如速度剖面)及2009年的海陸聯合炸測所收錄的廣角度震測資料的處理與逆推。本計劃的執行將包括:理論與技術發展,著重於二維震波傳遞與發展逆推理論的核心研究。延續與整合TAIGER/TAICRUST計劃的資料與研究工作。所發展的處理系統將結合波場的模擬與逆推,包括方法的準備、發展、測試及應用。除利用1995年已參與的廣角、大尺度深部地體孕震帶計畫及對海域資料進行分析工作的經驗外,為配合處理2009年TAIGER計畫所收集的海、陸域聯測資料,除了將1995年與2009年所收集的資料做進一歩的統整與分析外,針對逆推的理論方法、原理的確認與推導外,預計將資料的應用列為本計畫的重點。同時,可透過本計畫的執行培養參與本計劃博、碩班學生所需的實際資料處理經驗。除利用中美國際合作計劃(TAIGER)或國內自行整合的計劃進行主動式震源海域震測資料逆推成像外,目前本實驗室已初步完成聲場逆推程式的撰寫,程式測試並擬持續進行彈性波場逆推程式的發展。本計劃預計運用波場模擬與反演方法進行全波形資料的分析與深部速度構造成像的相關研究。本計畫預計所使用的資料將包括TAIGER計畫所收錄的野外資料與2010年於福建所進行的海峽兩岸炸測實驗所收集之震測資料。 The proposed project will mainly focus on full waveform tomography inversion of (active source) seismic data. The research activities will include the development of inversion methodology, testing of the algorithm and the implementation of field data. Field data application will use seismic data records collected from TAICRUST experiment, the proposed TAIGER or CNRS-NSC joint projects. Seismic pre-stack waveform imaging technique will be developed for active source seismic data. Base on the previous experiences from TAICRUST wide-angle deep crust structure studies, several results have been published and can be used for the implementation of inversion algorithm. With the major impact from the Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake, research on marine seismic data study was hampered because large efforts have been forced by the policy to resolve the related questions raised by the quakes occurred in 1999. With the help under US-Taiwan-French OBS program, it is necessary to update our data processing and imaging technique to better resolve the deep crust structure involved between Eurasia continental and Philippine sea plates. The pre-stack inversion will include both 2D acoustic and elastic wavefield simulation for seismogram synthesis and inversion for imaging subsurface structure. The computational kernel for wavefield simulation will be based on finite-difference pseudo-spectral or spectral-element methods. The research works will include: (1) Theoretical studies and development of inversion technique. (2) Practical applications will focus on marine MCS and OBS data. Data preparation for the first year will be the wide-angle data from TAICRUST experiment in 1995. We have just finished field pilot test with French scientist and will continue work on developing inversion theory, program design, test and implementations. The second term work will focus on developing and testing of inversion techniques, using synthetic acoustic and elastic wavefield information and recorded field data for algorithm/code verification. The tentative data for the first phase will concentrate on wide-angle data collected in 1995. The characteristic properties of using OBS and/or MCS data and how the algorithm behaves will be evaluated and justified accordingly. In the mean time, I will actively involve in data collection and assimilation including field data collection with marine geophysicist using Ocean researcher I or II. The collaboration between US-Taiwan-French, pre-stack wavefield inversion techniques will be applied primarily by using active source seismic data collected in the year of 2008/2009. The result from both wavefield simulation and inversion will be investigated and published in the international journal. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107