摘要: | 漢語方言中和臺灣關係最密切的是閩語,再來是客家話。1987年出版的《中國語言地圖集》B12圖的說明提到:就福建省境內而言,東部沿海地帶平常認為是閩語的中心,西部地帶是客家話,中部地帶是具有某些客家話性質的閩語地區。從東望西,閩語的成分逐漸減少,客家話的成分逐漸增多,這是相當精確的描述,但未詳述閩西北的方言。李榮1989〈漢語方言的分區〉一文指出「邵將區」包括福建省西北角富屯溪流域的四縣市,兼具閩語及贛語的特點,可以補足地圖集的說明。吾人若從閩南方言的共性出發,閩語可以分為「南區」(即傳統的閩南區,下轄泉州、漳州、潮州三片)、「北區」(包括現行的閩東、閩北、邵將三區)以及南北兩區之間的過渡帶「中區」(包括現行的閩中、莆仙二區和大田、尤溪)。閩西的客家話按照內部的共性也可大體三分成「南區」(和粵東毗鄰的永定、上杭、武平)、「中區」(長汀、連城)與「北區」(和非客家話關係較深的寧化、清流,包括明溪),饒平、詔安等閩南客家話就共性而言較近閩西。福建的內陸地區,從光澤一直到永定,這道500公里的長條帶在閩方言和客贛方言的交界線上,許多方言常常兼有兩邊方言的特點,是典型的過渡方言 (transitional dialects),皆屬饒有開採潛力的“富礦”,十多年間計畫主持人已進行數度田野調查:閩語北區紀錄光澤方言(1999-2001調查縣城話和止馬島石話, NSC 89-2411-H-007-004),連城縣內方言的地域差別極其顯著,客家話中區選擇四堡方言(2008-2009調查,NSC 96-2411-H-008-022),閩語南區和客家話南區的交界則有永定孔夫方言(1996調查)。前兩處方言調查的比較詳細,而至今仍未有顯示該方言輪廓之著作,遂欲董理語料,做成同音字彙、方言詞彙及語法簡介,並與周邊方言進行橫向比較,討論各自方言之重要特點、學界相關理論之探討、詞彙之異同分析,撰寫專書。本計劃為期一年,我們將整理出光澤方言和連城四堡方言同音字匯與詞彙,再加上對兩處福建內陸方言的相關討論,將調查和討論融為一爐,把田野工作的成果和我們對有關問題的理論思考跟探討貢獻給漢語語言學界。希冀這本專書的撰寫可以填補福建方言研究上的空白以及閩西客家話研究上的薄弱環節。 In the past five decades there has been a rapid development in the field of Chinese dialectology. The newly published monographs, dictionaries, linguistic reports, and countless journal papers have greatly enriched our overall understanding of the most populous branch of the Sino-Tibetan languages. After the study of comparative Min phonology and Common Min vocabulary is accomplished, we turn our focus to Hakka, distributed in western Fujian, eastern Guangdong, southern Jiangxi and also the second largest Sinitic language spoken in Taiwan. Within a decade, we have done substantial fieldwork on two transitional dialects in Fujian: GUANGZE光澤 (1999-2001), a Northwest Min dialect heavily influenced by Gan dialects in Jianxi, and Liancheng SIBAO 連城四堡 (2008-2009), a Hakka dialect in the Western Fujian containing Min substratum which is quite different from Moiyan (Meixian) in northeastern Guangdong and Si-xian dialect in Taiwan. This one-year project aims to write a monograph on these two dialects of Inland Fujian. The book will provide literature review, a description of phonology, a lexicon section, grammatical notes, and discuss their relationship with other surrounding dialects in the Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Guangdong area. Items covered in the phonological part include syllable structure, initials, finals, tones, morphological tone changes, correspondences with Middle Chinese classificatory schemes, and colloquial versus literary forms. Jerry Norman’s “Shaowu hypothesis” (the “softened” obstruents and Tone 9 in Kienyang and Shaowu irregular entering tone words) in his analysis of Minbei and Northwest Min forms is a hotly debated issue and we will provide our interpretation in a separate chapter. Using a geographical approach, we will discuss both common and uncommon phonological and lexical traits between Guangze, Sibao and other Fujian dialects. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107 |