大氣環境的變遷是目前國際上相當重視的一個研究課題,而大氣氣膠則因其直接和間接地影響大氣輻射能量的傳送,在全球氣候變遷中扮演了一個非常重要的角色,因此國際上許多衛星計畫都將大氣氣膠的觀測反演,列為重要任務之一(如MODIS、MISR、 POLDER 等)。一般而言,大氣氣膠(污染物)的來源大致可分為三類,第一類是來自於都會區或是工業區;第二類為沙塵暴所帶來的沙塵;第三類則是生質燃燒所產生的煙塵。大氣氣膠通常隨著大氣的環流四處傳送,影響的範圍相當廣泛,對於傳統測站的觀測方式,較不易獲得完整的訊息。而衛星遙測,除具有觀測範圍寬廣及觀測資料一致性佳等優點外,由於近年來遙測技術的發展迅速,所能提供的大氣資訊越來越多,如光學厚度、粒徑分布及單次射射反照率等氣膠輻射參數,其所應用之層面亦相對提昇許多,如能結合測站的觀測資料,則非常適用於大氣環境的監(偵)測。因此,本計畫將接續前期的計畫執行,主要的重點將結合衛星觀測(如MODIS)及地面觀測(AERONET)資料在人為污染物、沙塵及煙塵等氣膠種類之辨識及其空間分布之特性,並將整合高時間解析(如 MASAT)與高地面解析多頻道(如MODIS)衛星資料,發展高時、空解析大氣氣膠參數之反演,預期將達成應用衛星觀測資料在建立亞洲地區大氣環境監測系統之目標。 The changes of atmospheric environment have become a key issue facing the international community, where the atmospheric aerosols have in particular generated much discussion and play a pivotal role in global environmental changes. Thus the retrieval of global distribution of aerosol optical depth and type is one of the vital objectives of several planned spacecraft instruments, such as MODIS, MISR and POLDER. The source of the atmospheric aerosols can be essentially divided into three main categories, anthropogenic pollutant from cities or industrial areas, dust brought forth by dust storms, and smoke plumes from biomass burning, which seriously affect the air quality. In general, it is difficult to trace the suspended particles by the observations of ground-based stations due to the wide-spreading pollutant by the atmospheric circumfluence. On the other hand, satellite remote sensing has always enjoyed the advantage of observing an area from a high vantage point. In the investigating of atmospheric aerosols, satellites can provide timely and widely atmospheric observations. Many atmospheric studies have been conducted via satellite data such as the aerosol properties (optical depth, particle size distribution and single scattering albedo). Therefore, the objective of this project is to discriminate the aerosol types and characterize their spatial distributions from satellite and surface observations over Southeast Asia, and then try to construct the procedure for the retrieval of high temporal and spatial aerosol properties with MTSAT and MODIS data. As a result, the remote sensed system could be applied for the atmospheric environment monitoring effectively over Asian area. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107