民國98年8月8日莫拉克颱風襲捲全台,除造成南台灣地區生命財產之重大損失外,亦對該區造成嚴重的地表變遷,如何有效的探討及監控其變遷狀況,實為其重要的研究課題。差分干涉雷達 (Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar; D-InSAR)即為利用不同時期的衛星影像進行變遷偵測之技術,影像內容涵蓋的範圍大,且可獲得高精度地表變形量的量測結果,是非常適合的偵測工具。目前主要的應用包含數值地形模型(Digital Elevation Model; DEM)的產製、地震變形量(Deformation)的研究、地層下陷(Subsidence)的量測及冰川飄移等。因D-InSAR處理步驟繁多,過程複雜不易瞭解,因此許多研究人員均以昂貴的套裝軟體進行處理,本計畫則以公用軟體Doris為主,期使有興趣及需求者能廣泛運用。同時為瞭解D-InSAR於台灣地區進行變遷偵測之可行性,本計畫將使用日本ALOS PALSAR雷達衛星影像做為實驗對象,以災前之影像對產製地形干涉影像,再以災後之影像對產製變形干涉影像,將此兩干涉影像進行差分處理,便可獲得八八水災之地表變形量。最後並與GPS資料做比較,以探討D-InSAR技術在台灣地區變遷偵測之準確度。 Morakot Typhoon attacked Taiwan on Aug. 8, 2009, in addition to southern Taiwan caused by the heavy losses of life and property, but also the area caused serious surface changes. It is an important issue to explore and monitor their deformation effectively. Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) shall be used in different periods of satellite images to detect surface changes. A significant advantage of this technique is that it provides a comprehensive view of the motion detected for the entire area affected. It is expected that this type of result will supplement ground-based measurements, which is a very appropriate detection tools. This technique has been widely used to produce digital elevation model (DEM) and to measure surface deformation. This technique has also been applied to measure subsidence, volcano monitoring, and detect glacier motion. The processes of D-InSAR are complicated and difficult to be understood, many researchers are process using expensive software packages. To effectively promote the applications of D-InSAR, this study mainly applies the public programs (Doris) to modeling the processes. At the same time, to realize the possibility of applying D-InSAR on the deformation detection in Taiwan. We used D-InSAR to detect surface change in the south Taiwan using Japanese ALOS PALSAR radar satellite images. First, use of the pre-flood image pair to produce terrain interference image, and then use of the post-flood image pair to produce deformation interference image. This differential process of two interference images can be obtained for flood 88 of the surface deformation. And eventually these results were compared with the GPS data to explore the D-InSAR in the flood-affected areas of the accuracy of change detection. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107