摘要: | 氣候變遷在近年來已成為國際間極為關注的議題,其對環境所造成的衝擊亦直接或間接地對人類生活產生影響,因此調適科技的推動是刻不容緩的。另一方面,國內在各領域雖有許多環境監測資料,但皆分散於各單位,且資料品質不一、相關資訊不清,造成國內氣候變遷或全球暖化的相關研究人員需耗費相當多的時間在資料搜尋及品質確認等前置作業,增加其研究執行上之困難。有鑑於此,在「氣候變遷調適科技推動整合運作總計畫」的架構下,「環境系統分析組」將針對台灣附近的「溫室氣體」、「大氣」、「海洋」、「區域陸地」、「區域地質」及「生態系統」之環境監測資料,收集其相關資訊如監測技術、時間、範圍及品質等,而本子計畫則將成立一「氣候變遷環境監測與分析資料交流平台」,將其他子計畫所收集之環境監測資料相關資訊建檔管理,以供國內環境監測資料下游使用者搜尋其所需之資料。另外本資料交流平台亦將彙集「脆弱度評估組」、「國家災害防救科技中心」(NCDR) 之「台灣氣候變遷推估與資訊平台計畫」(TCCIP),以及其他環境監測資料下游使用者所提出之環境監測資料與加值產品需求,提供「環境系統分析組」其他子計畫進行規劃,以補強環境監測資料相關資訊之彙集,及發展新的環境參數監測技術與加值產品,期望能有助於「脆弱度評估組」以及未來「空間型計畫」,甚至國內氣候變遷或全球暖化相關研究之發展。Climate change has become an important issue for human beings in recent years. It is paramount to speed up the climate-change adaptation technology and relevant researches. In light of this goal, large amounts of data have been gathered or collected in Taiwan. However, the data are collected/distributed by different academic disciplines and agencies, and some of it may not be gathered in a very scientific manner, nor appropriately processed and clearly documented. This means data users can not effectively or correctly employ these important datasets. Therefore, the Environmental System Analysis Group (ESAG) under the framework of the Integrated Operations Project on Promoting Climate Change Adaptation Technology (CCAT) is planning to collect and investigate relevant environmental monitoring data information, such as the data observed time, locations, methods, instruments and quality. The investigated data will cover several key fields in Taiwan: Greenhouse Gases, Atmosphere, Ocean, Regional Land, Regional Geology and Ecological Environment. The goal of this sub-project is to establish a data distribution platform--Platform for Observed and Value-Added Data Distribution of Climate Change and Environmental Monitoring, for gathering and redistributing environmental monitoring data from other sub-projects and make it readily available for potential users in Taiwan. In addition, the platform will investigate the data requirements from relevant research teams and agencies, such as the Vulnerability Assessment Group, TCCIP/NCDR, etc. The data requirements and suggestions will shift to others sub-projects of the Environmental Systems Analysis Group to plan or improve the data collection technology and tasks; to provide more coverage, duration, and different types of environmental monitoring data and valued-added data products. Such work will greatly benefit the teams under the Vulnerability Assessment Group, future space-related projects or climate change and global warming research. 研究期間:10008 ~ 10107 |