目前的汽車系統上使用了相當多不同的通訊協定來連接各個不同的控制單元像是使用 LIN 、 CAN、MOST、FlexRay 等。使用多種不同的通訊介面的好處是依據各個系統的需求,如可靠度、資料傳輸速度、及成本。然而﹐使用不同的通訊介面需要透過轉接器來進行連接以互相溝通。增加轉接器可能影響通訊的品質,也可能增加了連接線路被干擾的機會。進而增加車載的重量及線路的成本。電力線通訊是一個已經推廣相當久的技術,在過去有很多交流電力線通訊的開發及應用被提出來,而目前常見的應用規格是使用X-10 規範來設計數位家庭。電動載具係由電池以直流方式藉電力線傳輸來提供運行之能量。此直流電力線亦可做為電池管理系統之通訊/控制網路的匯流排﹐整合電力線及通訊控制的迴授訊號,降低控制線與介面的數量,大幅的降低汽車的成本。延續計劃主持人在學研計劃的規劃與執行成果﹐本計畫將針對電池管理系統進行研究與探討,並進行系統整合所必需的模組﹐包含﹕(1)智慧型電池管理系統模擬平台﹔(2) 植基於DC-PLC 之控制網路模擬與建構﹔與(3) 智慧型電池管理系統整合 Various controller networks have been simultaneously implemented in today’s automotive systems, including LIN, CAN, MOST, FlexRay, and etc. Each communication protocol has its own salient features in terms of reliability, data transmission rate, and cost. Thus, the automotive systems take the advantages including various protocols. However, the gateways are needed when different protocols are connected to communicate. Moreover, the communication gateways may significantly increase the communication noises and interferences and further affect the communication quality. Furthermore, the additional hardware implies the extra weight and cost to the automotive systems. Power Line Communication (PLC) technology has been developed for quite a while. The PLC has been proposed in AC form and applied to digital home. Since the energy of the electric vehicles (EVs) comes from the battery set in term of direct current (DC) and provides some components of the EVs thru the power line, hence, the power line can also be used the communication and control buses. The integration can significantly reduce the numbers of interfaces/gateways of the controller networks, providing a cost down solution. Our previous studies on the research projects, sponsored by the Department of Industrial Technology﹐ MOEA, have successfully conducted the pre-studies of smart battery management systems and controller networks. This proposal is to extend the successes to the development of smart distributed battery management systems over power line control bus. The proposed project is to develop the building blocks required for the system integration, including (1) smart BMS simulation platform; (2) simulating and building the controller networks over the DC-PLC; and (3) integration of smart distributed BMS over the DC-PLC. 研究期間:10005 ~ 10104