中壢特高頻雷達於1998 年獅子座流星雨發生期進行觀測,並獲得 許多流星尾回波資料。藉由空間干涉法,可以進一步推算出流星尾發 生之位置。 在所接收之流星尾回波中,除了獅子座流星還包括數量甚多的 sporadic 流星。本論文根據流星尾回波之鏡面反射原理,發展出一 套方法,用以判斷回波屬於獅子座流星或sporadic 流星,得到獅子 座流星所佔之比例,並推算出流星尾回波之輻射點(radiant)位置。 During the Leonid meteors period in 1998,Chung-Li VHF radar observed many meteor trail echoes.Using the technique of spatial interferometer, the arrival angles of the reflected radar signals from the meteor trails are determined. The observed meteor trail echoes included the Leonid meteors and other sporadic meteors.From the definition of the specular reflection of the radar signals,a technique was developed to classify the meteor trail echoes which were originted from the Leonid radiant.