本文研究自動化電離圖判讀(Autoscaling)Es層之類型其可行性,以模糊理論作為判讀的依據。在資料的分析與取得方面︰我們所處理的資料是位於美國Utah州Bear Lake (41.9°N, 111.4°W)的數位式電離層探測儀(Dynasonde)所探測到的電離圖資料,經過判讀系統的處理我們可以自動判別出中緯度地區Es層的類型(f,l,c及h-types),並與我們人工判讀所得的結果做比較和誤差的分析,以評量自動判讀系統之準確性。結果顯示出自動判讀系統有相當好的準確性,並可以用來取代人工判讀並減少人力消耗,另一方面對於Es層對於無線通訊的影響和電離層的研究有很大的助益,如此可以驗證模糊理論對於自動判讀電離圖有相當好的效果和發展潛力。 The feasibility of “Autoscaling Es-layer” is studied and the result is presented in this thesis. The character of this study is using fuzzy segmentation and connectedness algorithm for scaling ionograms. In this thesis the ionograms were obtained with Utah State University Dynasonde (41.9°N, 111.4°W) at Bear Lake in America. We scaled the types of Es-layer (f, l, c, h-types) by autoscaling system in middle latitude and compared with human scale. The result shows that this autoscaling system approves quite high accuracy and it could replace human scale. Furthermore, it is helpful for studying of the affection of Es-layer to radio communication and the research of the ionosphere.