摘要 磁暴期間,南向行星際磁場和地磁的再結合作用,使電漿片上的晨昏方向(dawn-to-dusk)的電場忽然增強,但是原先在Alfven layer上的昏晨(dusk-to-dawn)方向電場並不能馬上跟著增強,所以此昏晨方向的電場不足以庇護內磁層,會使這忽然增強的晨昏方向電場快速滲入到內磁層,而此快速滲入的電場又稱為快速滲入電場(prompt penetration electric field)。本篇論文利用華衛一號的離子速度資料,來研究在磁暴發生初期,當快速滲入電場可以進入內磁層時,影響電離層磁赤道地區離子的上升運動。在地球磁赤道電離層的日側部分有一個東向的擾動電場,而夜側部分則有一個西向的擾動電場,使得華衛一號觀測到的離子上升速度發生變化,在白天會有往上的速度擾動量,而在晚上會有往下的速度擾動量。並探討擾動量的大小與行星際間南向磁場所帶來的行星際電場的相關性。 Abstract During magnetic storms,the dawn-to-dusk electric field enhances through the southward turning of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field(IMF) reconnecting with the Earth’s magnetic field.As the shielding electric field(the dusk-to-dawn electric field) can not follow the enhancement right away,the shielding electric field can not shield the inner magnetosphere .Thus the enhanced dawn-to-dusk electric field penetrates to the inner magnetosphere .We call this dawn-to-dusk electric field the prompt penetration electric field.In this paper ,we use ROCSAT-1’s data to study the disturbed ion drift velocity in the dayside and nightside during active times,in the equatorial ionosphere,in relation to the prompt penetration electric field.