臺灣島因菲律賓海板塊與歐亞板塊不斷碰撞擠壓而形成,是屬於 山多平地少的地型,本研究之目的為:了解台灣山脈之走勢及其分 佈,研究中使用的資料為雷達影像(SAR image)並且對南台灣的山脈 做線型(lineament)偵測,萃取之山線再加以分析與統計其走勢之分佈。 研究中所使用的方法包含李氏濾波器(Refined Lee filter)來濾除 斑駁雜訊(speckle),邊線偵測(edge detection)方面則使用 Maximum likelihood ratio edge detector 來強化輪廓線訊息,由檢測出來的線形 之中我們發現有斷線的情形及許多的非線形叢集(cluster),在此使用 輪廓線追踨法(edge tracking)來消除斷線帶來的困擾,並使用標準差 (standard deviation)及數學型態學(Mathematical morphology)來剔除非 線性叢集,再應用鏈碼(chain code)及多邊形估計(polygonal approximation)以直線的方式來逼近曲線,最後產生極化(polarization) 分佈圖描述山區線型走勢。 由研究中可以得知以下結論:從極化分佈圖來看,南台灣的主要 稜脈大致呈現北北東─南南西的走向,由此來推知山區受力的方向, 對局部小區域也做相同之檢視,可以發現到小區域山脈之受力方向則 不盡相同。 本研究主要的貢獻為提供主要山脈的分佈圖,分析大小尺度 (scale)的山區線形特徵,消除背景雜訊(clutter)及非線性的叢集,呈現 出主要山脈之走勢及其分佈,提供給地質學家(geologist)做為參考。 Due to the extrusion of Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, the Taiwan Island was formed and the mountain areas are characterized by less fiat ground. The purpose of this study is to understand the Taiwan. SAR image was used for lineament investigating the trend and distribution of the mountain range in the Southern Taiwan. Data collected and computed to analyze the trend and distribution of the mountain range. Research methods included applying Refined Lee filter to screen speckle and using Maximum likelihood ratio edge detector for strengthen information about the outline. From the results of investigation, disconnection and cluster were found. Therefore, edge tracking was applied to reduce the influence caused by disconnection. In addition, Standard deviation and Mathematical morphology were utilized to eliminate nonlinear cluster; chain code and polygonal approximation were applied to approach to the curve and then polarization figure was produced to illustrate the trend of mountain range.Conclusions drawn from the research results are as follows: From polarization figure, the distribution of Mountain range in the Southern Taiwan was a trend toward NE- SW and the direction of loading could be referred according to this figure. Checking on a small area of the mountain range, it appeared that the directions of loading were different from one to the other. The significance of this study is to provide with Figure of Mountain distribution, analyze the characteristics of scales, eliminate clutter and non-linear cluster, as well as present the trend and distribution of main Mountain range. Those were references for geologists.