雙流不穩定是太空中最常見的一種電漿加熱機制。透過電子時間尺度的非線性效應,靜電波的成長在很短的時間內,就能夠達到飽和,並加熱電漿中的電子。本論文使用一維全粒子相對論性靜電碼 (Electrostatic–relativistic full-particle code),來研究電子–離子靜電雙流不穩定的非線性現象。而不同於過去前人只著重在電子與靜電波之間的互動,本論文的研究內容除了探討電子時間尺度的靜電波成長過程,與電子造成的 Landau damping 外,我們也將同時探討離子的運動對於靜電波發展所造成的影響,同時本論文也將對發生在靜電波成長過程中的非線性波與波耦合效應,作初步的探討。 It is known that the two-stream instabilities play important roles in the plasma heating and accelerations of the space plasmas. The nonlinear evolution of the ion-electron two-stream instabilities is studied by means of a one-dimensional electrostatic full-particle code simulation. The electron-time-scale nonlinear phenomena studied in this thesis include the amplification of electrostatic waves and the Landau damping process due to trapping of electrons by the large amplitude electrostatic waves. In addition to the electron-time-scale phenomena, I also examine the ions' motion and their feedback to the nonlinear electrostatic waves. Preliminary results on the nonlinear wave-wave coupling process in the nonlinear evolutions of the two-stream instability are also presented in this thesis.