國道由於交通環境特殊,不但交通流量大,且車行速度快,用路人對於用路的品質要求更為嚴格。為提供良好的用路服務品質,高公局每天均得進行一次巡查,當發現缺失時,除可立即排除及特殊狀況外,其餘均得回到工務段辦公室,填寫相關的巡查報表,並經段長同意後委請契約商進行處理。也由於國道車行速度快,巡查人員無法下車拍照、確認詳細缺失,僅能以紙本記錄巡查結果,使得後續的追蹤考核不易進行。為改善高公局的經常巡查作業,本研究擬延續去年「公路養護巡查作業效率提昇之研究」成果,在既有的研究成果基礎下,尋求更符合高公局經常巡查作業需求之設備與搭配的軟體介面,開發符合實際作業需求之巡查輔助調查系統。除配合經常巡查輔助工具之開發外,同時將建立後續的線上巡查管考維護系統,以做為巡查記錄、缺失指派、缺失改善追蹤、缺失統計等用途之線上管理系統。目前高速公路局已委外開發建立「國道邊坡全生命週期維護管理系統」,但並未包含第一線巡查時的行動記錄設備,本研究亦將協助開發可應用於邊坡巡查之行動輔助記錄設備,並透過3G即時資料交換,將邊坡巡查記錄上傳至既有的管理系統中。本研究發展過程,除與第一線巡查人員進行實測交流外,並將配合辦理三場次以上之研究成果推廣。Because of the heavy traffic flow and high automobile speed on the freeway traffic, the high quality of road condition is very important to the road users. In order to maintain this high quality of road condition, the patrol operation on freeway has to be performed every day by staffs of the National Freeway Bureau (NFB). Whenever the staffs find any defect on the road condition, usually they have to go back to the office to write the report of patrol operation, with exception of immediately defects removal and some special cases. Lacking of the immediate recording mechanism of this patrol operation, and the result of daily patrol operation was hand-noted on the report by the investigators, it was not easy to manage and to follow-up the improvement in the previous management system. In order to improve this daily patrol operation, the patrol operation device will be developed in this research project. In addition to this device, the patrol operation record can be up-loaded to the on-line management system which can be used for defects repair assignment, defects improvement follow-up and defects statistics. The above mentioned functions will also be established in this research project. The management system of the slope life-circle on freeway had been established by the NFB, but the immediate recording mechanism was not included in this system. Therefore, a suitable device to assist the daily patrol operation on the slope of freeway and to upload the data to the management system by 3G will also be established in this research project. During the course of this research project, the communication between the researchers and operation staffs will be performed and at least three promoting seminars will be given to the related staffs in NFB. 研究期間:10105 ~ 10112