重型車輛行駛於道路容易對道路造成損害,如橋樑損壞、對道路結構及鋪面的破壞等等。有鑑於維護運輸安全及路面結構的考量,國內引進動態地磅(Weigh-In-Motion, WIM)技術應用於取締重車超載行為,期能藉助動態地磅於超載偵測所具備之優越的條件,突破當前國內靜態地磅使用的瓶頸;惟動態地磅在執法取締方面,因精準度不若靜態地磅能達度量衡的要求標準,其於逕行取締的適用性方面容易造成爭議與質疑,因此,本研究擬針對於靜態地磅站前佈設篩選用途的動態地磅,配合設置資訊可變標誌(Changeable Message Sign, CMS),建構出一套重車超載偵測系統,期能在靜態地磅站前對重車作一先期之超載篩選及導引,將有超載嫌疑之重車導引至靜態地磅站做二次過磅,而對於無超載之虞的車輛則導引繼續前行。 本研究利用系統模擬的方法,針對動態地磅在靜態地磅站前不同的佈設位置進行模擬分析,以實地訪談、地磅站報表分析等方式進行資料蒐集,並以錄影方式進行交通量調查及重車車流特性分析,期能藉由實地調查的資料作為模式的輸入,使能正確的反應現況;系統並針對不同的車流狀況下,以多項的評估指標來評估各佈設方案的績效;經由結果分析,動態地磅的佈設確實可有效的提高靜態地磅站的運作效率及節省車輛的旅行時間,又主線佈設動態地磅的績效較側線佈設的績效來的高,故本研究建議以主線佈設方式為動態地磅佈設之最佳方案。 Heavy vehicles do damage to road as bridge destruction and losses of road construction and pavement. Considering preserving transportation security and road pavement, Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) was guided to prohibit overloading of heavy vehicles and break through the current bottleneck of Static Weight Bridge in our country. However, it's not precise as Static Weight Bridge, WIM was queried and hold in controversy of application in law enforcement. Therefore, this thesis is focused on setting picking out WIM overloading detecting system of heavy vehicles. May to have the first overloading detection to set apart whether the heavy vehicle be overloaded or not. Suspecting overloading heavy vehicles to the second weighted on the Static Weight Bridge or guiding to go directly. This thesis tries to arrange WIM in different site of Static Weight Bridge to get simulated analyses. Be input data with data collecting by visiting, weight report forms, traffic investigation and flows characteristic analyzed of heavy vehicles to reflect the real situation. Besides, focusing on different traffic flows, there are several evaluation indications to check the performance of all setting alternatives. As the result, WIM can promote operating efficiency and save travelling time well than Static Weight Bridge, and more effective on main line than branch. Therefore, it's suggested arranging WIM on main line to be the best way.