摘要: | 山區道路提供運輸與民生活動及發展經濟重要的管道。根據世界銀行2005年災害高風險區研究報告指出:「台灣同時暴露於三項以上天然災害威脅人口高居世界第一」。台灣之山區道路約佔74%處於山坡地及高山林地,災害難以避免,山區道路降雨頻率、強度增加,災害劇烈嚴重衝擊國家民生與經濟。近年來,永續發展的議題被要求為國家施政的方針而建構相關評估指標來因應,然而不確定的氣候變化,衝擊山區道路工程設施,釀成巨災損及國譽,僅永續發展宣導能否運用於山區道路仍值得探討,建立一套可分析與評估功能的山區道路指標準則刻不容緩。本研究旨在建立永續公共工程山區道路指標,首先透過文獻回顧與彙整,在環境、材料、工法及能源初步設計永續性工程項目,經由德爾菲方法(Delphi Method)學者專家問卷進行指標項目之篩選,獲得永續公共工程山區道路9項指標44項評估準則。建立指標準則篩選具鑑別力預試問卷量表,進行295人抽樣問卷檢定統計信效度。復次,以結構方程模式分析指標配適度能符合學術之要求。最後,使用指標準則衡量台20線山區道路永續趨勢,設計一套永續檢查表回饋工程建設使用。永續公共工程山區道路9項指標44項評估準則,可因應永續發展理念與目標,提供工程建設相關單位,作為節能減碳規劃設計的管理工具,並供施工單位執行永續之參考。Mountainous highways are important channels for the provision of transport, livelihood activities, and economic development. According to the March 2005 World Bank report entitled “Natural Disaster Hotspots – A Global Risk Analysis,” Taiwan has the largest population that is exposed to the threat of more than three different kinds of natural disasters. Approximately 74% of Taiwan’s mountainous highways are located on hillside and in forest areas. This, coupled with the high frequency and intensity of rainfalls, severely impacts the livelihood and economy of the affected areas. In recent years, sustainable development issues have become a national policy, and relevant indicators have been constructed to assess the response. However, for mountainous highways, the existing indicators appear inadequate due to the catastrophic damages that may be caused by uncertain climate changes. As such, this study conducts a literature review and, by combining considerations of the environment, construction materials, construction methods and energy usage, establishes nine candidate sustainability indicators for mountainous highways. Using the Delphi method, 44 assessment criteria are then developed based on the reliability and validity of their test statistics from responses of 295 sample questionnaires. Finally, the indicators are applied to the “Tai-20” mountainous highway to measure its sustainable features and to develop a checklist for future sustainable construction. The proposed indicators and assessment criteria provide highway agencies with a useful tool for the planning, design, and construction of sustainable mountainous highways. |