本研究針對開槽型鋼板消能裝置與應用開槽型鋼板消能裝置之隅撐構架分別進行反復載重實驗,以界定其耐震性能,由研究結果得知,開槽型鋼板消能裝置之行為將由槽板長寬比控制,其後挫屈勁度將影響隅撐構架之非線性行為。研究亦發現加裝消能裝置之隅撐構架,依然具有可降低梁柱接頭受力之特性,其對結構強度及勁度之提升亦屬有效,構架之勁度將呈現三線性力學行為,其分別由消能裝置及構架之降伏控制;由研究中亦發現,構架中之消能裝置依其尺度之不同將分別在不同位移角降伏,配置消能裝置之構架可大量消散地震能量,具良好之耐震性能。This study focused on the experimental evaluation of the seismic performance of steel knee braced frames with metallic energy dissipation devices. The device was fabricated from a steel plate with a number of slit cuts and two lateral stiffened steel plates welded to the two sides of the plate. A series of cyclic loading tests were conducted on the devices and the steel knee braced frames. It was found from the tests that the stiffness, the strength and the energy dissipation capacity of the framed structures were significantly enhanced when the devices were adopted. It was also observed from the experiments that the energy dissipation was achieved through the flexural yielding of the slit plates and the stiffened plates. Comparisons of the test results indicated that the slenderness of the slit plate was the major parameter in affecting the load-carrying capacity of the device. Finally, expression for the strength estimation of the devices and the framed structures was proposed for design references.