瓜地馬拉不是技術生產國家,但近幾年IT設備的使用逐漸增長,也使得電子廢物增加。這樣的趨勢連年增長,但幾乎沒有人對這個議題的表示關切。 電子廢物的問題困擾整個國家,這個問題因缺乏資訊及不當的電子廢物管理制度而擴大。 為解決電子廢物問題,這項研究制定了兩種可能的電子廢物管理策略: 1。本地電子廢物的檢索材料系統(ELRMS),收集,整理,局部處理(拆解,分離)出售檢索作為商品在市場上的材料。 2。電子廢物的海外檢索材料系統(EORMS),收集,整理,海外處理出售作為一個粗略的材料的回收材料。 利用這兩個回收及管理策略,基於其技術,經濟和環境效益和衝擊影響 ,本研究評估其實行的可能性,也策畫最合適改善瓜地馬拉電子廢物回收及管理的策略。Guatemala has not been a technology country producer but it is a country where the use of IT devices have growth in the recently years and also makes the electronic waste increase. This trend will keep growing year after year and almost no one is concerned about this issue. Currently there is no strategy or system to address this problem in the country. The electronic waste is plaguing the whole country and this problem is further magnified due to the lack of information and improper e-waste management. If the problem is not controlled more and more e-waste will be disposed in inappropriate places. To remedy the electronic waste problem this study has formulated two possible electronic waste management strategies which call for: 1. E-waste Local Retrieval Material System (ELRMS), Collecting, Sorting, Local Treatment (dismantling, separation) to sell the materials as a commodity in the market. 2. E-waste Oversea Retrieval Material System (EORMS), Collecting, Sorting, Oversea Treatment sell the recovered material as a rough material. With these two recycling and management strategies on mind this study evaluate s the possibility of these options based on their technical, economical and environmental benefits and impacts, in order to estimate the most suitable strategy that might improve the electronic waste recycling and management in Guatemala.