台灣地區隨著社會經濟的繁榮與進步,重大公共工程及民間建築工程日益增加,其施工所產出之營建剩餘土石方數量,每年平均產出量高達數千萬立方公尺,若無適當之處置將嚴重影響生活環境品質及公共安全,所以管控營建餘土流向問題自是刻不容緩。 目前國內對於營建餘土流向管制以「營建剩餘土石方流向證明文件」與「網路二階段申報勾稽系統」及「收容處理場所現地抽查」作為營建餘土管理上之依據,但此制度易為人為做假之嫌,有鑑於此,內政部於96年3月15日函頒修正「營建剩餘土石方處理方案」,其中增列「遠端監控資訊及紀錄設備」為土資場及目的事業處理場設置應有設施。本研究旨在探討利用遠端監控系統管控營建餘土流向成效之研究,為瞭解遠端監控設備是否能減輕餘土流向管理之人力負荷及減少餘土違規棄置情形,本研究係以問卷調查方式,發放各地方政府承辦餘土業務單位,以瞭解在現行營建剩餘土石方管理機制下,各地方政府應用「遠端監控資訊及紀錄設備」管控營建餘土流向成效,依據研究結果,提出對於遠端監控設備管控營建餘土流向的建議,以供政府相關單位在管理餘土流向上之參考。Construction projects generate more than 3000 cubic meters of residual soil every year in Taiwan. The “Construction Residual Soil Guideline” enacted in 1991 regulates the moving of residual soil from construction jobsites to the treatment plants to avoid illegal dumping. A tracking form is employed to make sure the soil is transported from the construction jobsite to the proper treatment plants. Nonetheless, illegal dumping of the residual soils and/or false reporting of the tracking forms happen from time to time. In 2007, all the residual soil treatment plants in Taiwan are required to install a web-based remote CCTV system on site so that the local government authority can monitor from their office in real time the entering and leaving of every trucks in the treatment plants. It is hope that the problems of illegal dumping as well as false reporting can be alleviated consequently. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the web-based remote CCTV system. The effectiveness is defined in three folded. The first fold is if it can help in reducing the work force of the local authority. The second fold is if it can reduce the false reporting problem. The third fold is if it can reduce the illegal dumping problem. Questionnaire survey and statistical analysis methods are adopted for this research. A questionnaire with three parts of questions is first prepared and sent out to the 25 local government authorities in Taiwan. The returned questionnaire is then analyzed employing statistical methods. It is concluded from the analysis results that the web-based remote CCTV system is effective in reducing the problems of false reporting and illegal dumping. However, it is not significant in reducing the manpower of the local government authority since it takes times to monitor the video images.