摘 要 在過去的研究中指出CE-QUAL-W2二維水質、水理模式應用於水庫模擬情況良好,但由於水質參數欠缺科學性的驗證,以往的文獻中只嘗試以試誤法和參考模式使用手冊中所提供的建議值在合理的參數範圍下進行模擬,雖然模擬出的結果良好,但並無法解釋參數的選擇依據為何,本研究係針對此一問題,利用實作實驗來修正二維水質模式中較敏感的四個參數值(光消减係數、底泥需氧量、底泥磷釋出率、底泥氨氮釋出率),並以石門水庫為模擬對象,利用民國92年的實測值進行模式驗證。 依據民國92年10月至93年4月所作出的實驗數據再將其用於修正模式參數,模擬結果顯示,此次所使用修正過後的新參數較之前研究文獻中所提出參數值更契合實測值,表示本研究所提供的新參數能使CE-QUAL-W2模式更適用於台灣地區的水庫。 Abstract Two-Dimensional hydrodynamics and water quality model, CE-QUAL-W2, has been applied successfully in Shin-Men Reservoir in past researches. However, the lack of in-situ water quality parameter measurement has long been challenged in the adequacy of the application of the model in real world cases. In this research, water quality experiments were conducted to estimate four key parameters, namely, light extinction coefficient(EXH2O), sediment oxygen demand(SOD), sediment release rate of phosphorous(PO4R), and sediment release rate of ammonia(NH4R). Furthermore, in-situ measurements on Shin-Men Reservoir in year 2003 were utilized for the calibration of model’s parameters. According to the measurement of water quality data between October 2003 to April 2004, the updated parameters can make simulation results better matching up than that from using previous parameters. It is concluded that CE-QUAL-W2 model is adequate for the simulation of water quality for reservoirs in Taiwan, with the use of updated parameter suggested in this research.