摘要: | D公司為國內資訊服務產業龍頭之一,但近年來雲端議題持續發酵,讓資訊服務產業面臨極大挑戰,幾乎所有資訊服務廠商無不嘗試尋找滿足雲端之營運模式。雲端營運模式在國外有專注於CRM領域的Salesforce.com,為學術及實務所津津樂道及探討其模式成功因素;反觀國內雖各大資訊服務廠商、電信廠商,甚至是硬體廠商,無不卯足全力希望在雲端營運模式能夠有所斬獲,甚至發展出一個可獲利之營運模式。 D公司除了要維持既有之營收外,更年年追求成長,除了深耕客戶及價值銷售外,尋找另外一個成長動力,成為D公司甚至是所屬集團的一大議題。本研究將分析D公司在過去ASP營運模式所累積之寶貴經驗為基石,嘗試著規劃D公司 “軟體服務的雲端營運模式” 。此模式最大的改變為由過去單打獨鬥的營運概念,轉換為專業分工、互助合作之模式,並且在推廣的部分,改變舊思維,“業務人數”決定營業績效的迷思,運用社群力量,來進行推廣與行銷。 經過市場、系統、作業、技術及法令等方面分析,結果顯示,D公司軟體服務的雲端營運模式是值得嘗試的發展方案。Company D is the leader of the domestic information service industry in Taiwan. Its original business has been mainly in the ERP software package. As the concept of cloud computing proliferates, the information service industry in general is facing surmounting challenges, and almost all vendors in the industry are all trying to adapt to the cloud computing concept. The fore-runner in cloud computing, providing business information systems solutions, is Salesforce.com in the USA. It provides CRM services in the Cloud, and has been the most talked-about example, and a target for exploring success factors, for the academicians and practitioners alike. In the Taiwanese domestic market, major IT service providers, telecommunications operators, and even hardware vendors, are all attempting to devise a viable business model to take advantage of the cloud computing drive. Company D has been successful in the past two decades, maintaining profit and growth in revenue, through cultivating customer values. It has been trying to define a new growth engine for the future. It also had experience in providing services through the ASP model with limited success. Based on its past experience in ASP, this study attempts to analyze the opportunities, and propose a business model to expedite its sales through cloud services. A new business model, and its matching action items are designed, and a feasibility study is conducted, covering the market, systems, operations, technology and legal issues. It is concluded that the proposed model is feasible, and a recommendation can be made to top management of Company D to adopt the proposed plan. |