摘要: | 印刷電路板主要做為組裝電子零組件的基板,提供電子聯結以及承載元件的功能,是所有電子產品不可或缺的基礎零件,故向來有工業之母的美譽。 台灣在過去四十年間,經過電路板業者努力不懈,改進製程技術,提昇產品品質,強化企業管理,結合台灣電子產業上、中、下游共同努力,成功地將台灣帶上國際舞台,更使台灣電路板總產值在2011年高居世界第一。隨著印刷電路板產業的蓬勃發展,相對了也帶動了印刷電路板生產設備市場的成長。 本研究以個案公司S公司為研究對象,採用「需求特徵分析」的研究方法,以個案公司某單一產品:放板機,以直接特徵和間接特徵設計問卷,選出重要性需求特徵後,再藉由個案公司和同業間的競爭優勢分析,了解產品優、缺點後;最後審視個案公司自身的條件和能力,集中公司資源進行缺點改善,作為公司未來經營的重點,以提升自身的競爭優勢。Printed circuit boards (PCB) are essential parts for all electronic products, primarily used as substrates of electronic components, providing electronic links and carrying components. It has been regarded as the mother of electronics industry. The industry of Printed Circuit Board in Taiwan promoted the technique of manufacturing, made the quality of products better, and strengthened the business administration during the past forty years. Taiwan is successfully viewed on the international stage by them. The total value output and output of PCB is the first in the world. By the vigorous development of PCB industry, the market of PCB industrial manufacturer is substantially brought up. In this study we use〝analysis of characteristics〞approach on the case company-S company. First, we design the questionnaire to get the direct characteristics and indirect characteristics from customers on one sample product of S company-PCB loader. Then we choose the material characteristics to compare with competition companies. After analyzed the result we can get the strength and weakness of S company. At final, we review and concentrate his resource and capability to improve the weakness and to develop his own features and continuous operation target to enhance his competitive advantage. |