本篇論文以晚清報人蔡爾康於《字林滬報》襄理總主筆期間(1882-1888)為探討對象,試圖自蔡爾康靈活運用該報文化資源的手腕,以及其於該報中施行的一連串文化創新,結合當時上海報刊市場脈絡,呈現清末之際介於傳統與現代文化交錯的「第二代」上海洋場才子展現的創意與活力之多元面貌;同時,透過此文化舉措的深入分析,進一步彰顯《字林滬報》於近代報刊史上頗具有承先啟後的時代價值。本文共分五章,各章結構如下:第一章為緒論,概要敘述一八五○至一八八○年代的上海報刊市場,並且闡述新聞界中的洋場才子於近代文學歷程中扮演的重要角色與意義,既是新舊世代轉型的文化典範,亦為出版市場現代性消費的濫觴。第二章,自「捲土重來」的觀點探討《字林滬報》的時代意義,並發掘出創辦該報的字林洋行早於一八五○年起,即於洋場根植辦報事業之重要脈絡。第三章,將焦點放置於蔡爾康巧妙運用「遠東路透社」資源,統攝諸國訊息,為讀者展開一幅國際權力輿圖,凸顯其有別於《申報》的辦報宗旨與經營態度;在中法戰爭期間,靈活運用中法議題並結合地理圖像、將軍繪相,乃至推出「代刻圖像」服務等,提高新聞紙的信譽與銷售量。第四章,以蔡爾康於《字林滬報》任總主筆期間施行過的文化創新:連載《野叟曝言》、書籍代售服務與闢設《玉琯鐫新》專欄三者為對象,分別進行探討與分析。蔡爾康未間斷地將小說、類書及詩文嵌入新聞紙的嘗試,逐漸形成一種現代性的閱讀與消費文化;透過蔡爾康自身的人脈而取得代售書籍的專有權,並將報刊的銷售據點拓展至日本的線索,發掘《字林滬報》於東西洋文化知識圈的鏈結關係。第五章,對於為全篇論文的論述與分析作總結。The thesis focuses on the period of Cai ErKang who are being the main editorialwriter in Zi Lin Hu Bao(1882-1888) of Late-Qing Shanghai. To display “the second”generations of the Shanghai Intellectuals’ creative and multiple feature between thetradition and modernization, this thesis will analyze Cai ErKang’s good flexibility of usingthe cultural resources of the newspaper office ,and a series of innovations he made; thevalue of Zi Lin Hu Bao will manifest as well.The thesis consists of five chapters, the structures are as follows: chapter one is apreface of the press market in Late Qing during 1850 to 1880, discussing the truth that theShanghai Intellectuals who were not only the demonstration of cultural transformation butthe initiator bringing the modern consume in, played an important role in modernliterature history. Chapter two mentions the value of Zi Lin Hu Bao from the “comebackagain” concept, undertaking the newspaper-founded history of Zi Lin Yang Hang from1850. Chapter three lays stress on the analysis of Cai ErKang whose great use of “EasternReuter”, arranging different messages from many countries to show the internationalpowerful picture in Late Qing for readers. And this kind of management manner was muchmore different from Shen Bao’s. Chapter four concerns about the cultural innovations thatCai ErKang made: the novel Ye Sou Pu Yan serialized in the newspapers, the service ofbooks sell, and set up of the column “Yu Guan Juan Shin”. The innovations ofcombination of newspapers and novels, encyclopedia for daily use and poetry, formed amodern behavior and consumption little by little. It can found the relations between Zi LinHu Bao and the intellectual area of Eastern Asia and westerns by viewing the clue howCai ErKang used his relations with others to get the unshared books-sell advantage, andexpanded the foothold to Japan. Chapter five will be the conclusion.