摘 要 本文在探討不同橡膠材料模型中(包含Ogden、Beda、Mooney-Rivlin、neo-Hookean材料模型)有限大孔洞的非對稱變形。而橡膠材料在不少地方都有使用到,如土木工程的橋樑支承、機械工程的輪胎或皮帶等等都有使用到橡膠材料。本文將探討在Hou和Abeyaratne[21]的文章裡所提到的圓孔非圓對稱變形的近似解,此解使用橢圓變形公式來逼近圓孔的非對稱變形,本文則探討此近似解在各種橡膠材料模型下的誤差。關鍵字: 橡膠材料、Hou-Abeyaratne filed (HAF)、誤差Abstract This thesis investigates the asymmetrical deformation of finite voids in rubber materials described by different models includes Ogden,Beda, Mooney-Rivlin and neo-Hookean materials model. The use of rubber materials is extensive, such as bridge supports in civil engineering,tires and belts in mechanical engineering .This thesis analyzes the approximate solution proposed in [21] for asymmetrical deformation of a circular voide. This approximate solution was proposed by assuming that the circular void will be deformed into an elliptical one. This thesis compute the error of this approximate solution for materials modelled by those models mentioned above.Keywords: Rubber, Hou-Abeyaratne filed (HAF),error