本研究將大甲溪上游德基水庫集水區之1987 年到2000 年颱風降雨資料於予整理、分類和分析出符合流域特性之颱風降雨型態。依颱風事件之雨型與降雨延時探討,並考慮颱風路徑與降雨型態的可能關係,以了解大甲溪流域上游颱風降雨的特性。研究中利用二種方法定義颱風事件的始末,以得到颱風降雨在時間上的分布,討論颱風雨型與降雨延時於大甲溪流域上游集水區之特性。 研究中將颱風降雨事件應用於降雨-逕流模式,模擬大甲溪上游集水區之地表逕流量變化,證實我們研究室發展之降雨-逕流模式能適用於大甲溪上游集水區,有效推算洪峰流量與洪峰時間。其中模擬結果不盡理想可能是數值高程模型造成之錯誤,未來可以對其修正以求得該集水區最佳模擬結果。 We analyze the rainfall data from year 1987 to 2000 in the watershed of Te-Chi reservoir, which is located in the Dajia River upstream watershed.The analyses by considering the typhoon pathways and rainfall patterns help us understand the characteristics of typhoon rainfall in the Dajia River upstream watershed. We discuss the typhoon rainfall patterns and durations by using two methods to determine the durations of the typhoon rainfall.The typhoon rainfall events are applied to a rainfall-runoff model to simulate the hydrological processes in the Dajia River upstream watershed. We confirm that this rainfall-runoff model can be applied to the Dajia River upstream watershed by validating the peak discharges and time between simulations and observations.The simulations may be biased because of the errors in DEM. We would correct the errors in DEM to acquire better simulation data in the future.