摘要: | 近年來,全球氣候多變化,受氣候變遷因素影響,台灣地區飽受颱風洪水災害。每當夏季秋分,對流作用形成熱帶低氣壓,所生成的颱風引發許多洪水災害,造成重大的財物損失。因此,政府有必要提供適合台灣氣候環境的颱風洪水險,提供民眾承保,以促進全體國民身家財產安全。本文研究重點將藉由有效的颱風洪水風險管理,將其可能造成的災害損失降至最低。本文內容將介紹現行颱風洪水保險制度,並根據洪水危害度分析及淹水損失分析,評估財務損失,並依造不同的風險區,衡量出適合各區之颱風洪水危險費率,藉此有效地降低颱風洪水所造成的災損。For the past few years, the climate has become more and more unstable and unpredictable. People in Taiwan suffer from natural disasters such as typhoon and flood, due to the climate change.In summer time, convection results in Tropical Depression. Some of them become typhoons and cause flood, resulting in huge amount of financial loss. Therefore, the Government is supposed to provide the people with proper flood insurance, to guarantee their financial safety.The main point of this paper is to reduce the lost at the max extent caused by the typhoon and flood. It will introduce the current typhoon and flood insurance system, evaluate the loss based on Flood Hazard Analysis and Vulnerability Analysis, and work out the insurance suitable for each area of different risk. As a result, the loss by the typhoon and flood can be under control. |