摘要: | 近年來鋼筋、混凝土等部份營造原物料波動甚劇,造成營造成本相對提高,在97年時多達5,000多家營造廠倒閉,目前機關大多有物價調整機制,但以總指數漲跌逾2.5%部份,辦理工程款調整方式居多。本研究目的是探討齊頭式總指數漲跌2.5%做為調整基準,是否有失公共利益及社會公平正義,研究方法分為二部份(1)、蒐集81年至97年間已完工RC建築物案例,分析專案主要成本架構,影響成本主要指數因子及開工執行預算至完工結算金額差異比較,與物價波動相關性。(2)、以統計分析指數因子,套用在國際間常用國際工程師聯盟(FIDIC)的指數型物價調整機制,研究運用在公共工程,是否符合實際需求及公共利益。本研究發現每個專案特性也不一樣,其成本比例受原物料影響各有不同,RC構造專案完工盈虧與物價波動的關連性,物價波動只是其中的一個影響因子;FIDIC的調整機制以指數調整方式較符合工程現況,本研究加上工程進度(時程)因素,針對不同進度有不同物價指數調整,發現齊頭式補貼方式只會造成機關或廠商額外獲利或損失,時程的觀念可以運用到所有工程類專案,求出合理的調整機制。It is inevitable for construction projects to encounter price escalation. Although numerous projects have already adopted the FIDIC mechanism to deal with price escalation in construction materials, the current mechanism only considers static indices. This is probably easy to cause unfairness to either the party of owner or that of contractor. The study is to establish a model considering a dynamic way of project schedule that adjusts the current FIDIC mechanism for material price escalation in construction. The collection of over 30 construction project data was first to find evidence, discovering the insufficiency of the current FIDIC mechanism in construction. Considering major activities in regular projects and major activities, the study established schedule-enhanced model for material price escalation. In the end a case study introduced model implementation and feasibility demonstrating that the proposed mechanism is relatively fairer and more feasible. |