本論文利用直流電阻法及大地電磁法研究台灣西南部主要泥岩的電阻率特徵及構造;包括泥火山及新化斷層構造,獲得以下結論: (1) 古亭坑層之電阻率大多為2~15 Ω-m之間,淺部之電阻率較低一般為2~5 Ω-m。無明顯的側向變化,電阻率隨深度略增。 (2) 二重溪層之上層有一層約10 Ω-m、厚約23公尺之電阻層,底層之電阻帶大約是15 Ω-m。 (3) 六雙層之電阻率,在深度0~100公尺為10~100 Ω-m,隨深度增加;100公尺深以下,大致為120 Ω-m。 (4) 烏山層之電阻率大多在5~8 Ω-m之間,地層電阻率無明顯的水平及深度變化。 (5) 研究區中古亭坑層上的第四紀台地堆積層厚度大約8~37公尺,電阻率大約是20 Ω-m。 (6) 古亭坑層泥岩之電阻率較六雙層泥岩為低,暗示前者較後者含較高的鹽分。 (7) 烏山頂泥火山區之背景地層之電阻率1.6~6 Ω-m電阻率影像剖面中有向西傾斜電阻率微高(6~10 Ω-m)帶,寬約20公尺,此構造推測是旗山斷層。 (8) 大滾水泥火山區之背景地層之電阻率1.6~8 Ω-m。東西向剖面之中部出現大致垂直寬約40公尺的高電阻率(10~40 Ω-m)帶,與泥火山池口大致呈南-北方向排列與古亭坑背斜軸一致。 (9) 新化斷層之背景地層之電阻率10~180 Ω-m 之間,本研究之電阻率影像剖面解釋出兩斷層面,斷層面呈高角度傾斜,兩者大約為東西向,相隔約60公尺,中間為斷層帶。而深度50公尺以下,因地層較為均質,電阻率差異不大,故可能較難觀察斷層剖面或是受斷層擾動之地層不深。 (10) 井資料之分析比對之結果,此地為濱海相,海陸交替之環境,其電阻率深受地層鹽度之影響,於陸相環境時,電阻率分布為40~180 Ω-m,濱海相時,電阻率分布於10~30 Ω-m之間。 (11) 由電阻率影像剖面測得之新化斷層位置,與地質文獻、槽溝剖面、淺源震測之結果十分吻合。 The vertical electric sounding and the magnetotelluric sounding were used to investigate the features of the electric resistivity structure of mudstone in southwestern Taiwan in this study. The electric resistivity image profiling was used to investigate the structures of the mud-volcanoes and Hsinhua fault. Several conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) The Gutingkeng Formation has a resistivity in the range of 2~15 Ω-m, with the shallow part having a lower resistivity of 2~5 Ω-m. The resistivity increases with depth and without obvious change with lateral. (2) The Erhchungchi Formation has a resistivity of about 10 Ω-m at the depth of 23 m and about 15 Ω-m at the bottom. (3) The Liushuang Formation has a resistivity of about 20~100 Ω-m at the depth of 0~100 m and 120 Ω-m at the deep under 100 m. (4) The Wushan Formation has a resistivity mainly in the range of 5~8 Ω-m without obvious change with depth and horizontal. (5) The results also indicate that the Quaternary terrace deposits which overlying the Gutingkeng Formation have a resistivity of about 20 Ω-m and is about 8~37 m thick. (6) The mudstone of the Gutingkeng Formation has a lower resistivity than the Liushuang Formation implying that the former contains more salt than the latter. (7) The formation has a background resistivity of 1.6~6 Ω-m in the Wushanding mud-volcano area. The mud-volcanoes have a slightly higher resistivity(6~10 Ω-m) than the background value and dips westwardly with a zone of about 20 m wide, and are closely correlated with the Chishan fault. (8) The formation has a background resistivity of 1.6~8 Ω-m in the Dagunshui mud-volcano area. The mud-volcanoe has a slightly higher resistivity(10~40 Ω-m) than the background with a zone of about 40 m wide and are closely correlated Gutingkeng anticline. (9) The resistivity of the formations is 10~180 Ω-m around the Hsinhua fault. Two high angle fault planes with separation of about 60 m and extending in E-W direction were found in RIP. Between the fault planes is the fault zone. It is clear in the shallow part has no distinct resistivity contrast between both sides of fault in the depth. (10) According to the well data, the environment is littoral facies and the resistivity is effected by the salt bed. The resistivity is 40~180 Ω-m in the continental facies and 10~30 Ω-m in the littoral zone.