本論文主旨在探討發光二極體(LED)與光學透鏡(Optical Lens)之二次光學設計,應用在室內照明,以二次光學透鏡之設計來提高室內照明品質,達到所需之廣角且均勻的照明效果。首先選擇一顆單一封裝的LED,再配合燈具組裝之結構,決定設計的光學透鏡之尺寸。以此二次光學透鏡改變LED光源初始的Lambertian分布,加上燈具結構,使照明效果符合美國Energy Star的規範[1]。本論文一開始會先介紹固態照明的發展背景,接著敘述光學設計的基本原理,然後講解二次光學的設計以及建模方式,最後再以光學模擬軟體TracePro確認遠場光形是否達到原始設計之照明需求。The topic of thesis is combining LED with secondary opticallens together, then apply them to indoor lighting. We usesecondary optical lens for advancing the quality in lighting, andattain both omni-directional lighting and uniform lighting.Firstly, we combine a LED with mechanical equipment for composinga lighting element. Secondary, we decide the size of secondaryoptical lens, and the effect of secondary optical lens isadjusting the Lambertian lighting shape of Led. Finally, wecombine a LED, secondary optical lens with mechanical equipmentfor composing a complete LED bulb which can meet the Energy starrule[1]. In the beginning of the article, we introduce thebackground of solid lighting, then describe some basic principlesof optical design. After that, we will explain the method fordesigning and modeling secondary optical lens. Finally, we usean optical software, TracePro, for checking the lighting shapein the far-field. This is a complete process of optical design.