Title: | 不同色溫螢光燈用於辦公室照明之視覺效應研究;Evaluatins of Visual Physiological Effects Due to Different Correlated Color Temperatures of Flourescent Lamps in Office Lighting |
Authors: | 申新仟;shen,shin-chian |
Contributors: | 光電科學研究所 |
Keywords: | 色溫;視覺疲勞度;視覺舒適度;眩光;人因;Correlated color temperature (CCT);glare;human factor;visual comfort;visual fatigue |
Date: | 2012-07-31 |
Issue Date: | 2012-09-11 18:40:16 (UTC+8) |
Publisher: | 國立中央大學 |
Abstract: | 不同色溫的光源常常應用在不同地方,夜晚回家路上的路燈採用暖色系光源,鍋爐房、煉鋼車間採用冷色系光源加強涼爽感等等;而本次研究主要針對室內辦公閱讀環境,探討在不同色溫光源的照明下,對於人眼視覺舒適度、疲勞度是否有影響?利用團隊已建立之視覺舒適度測試環境與實驗流程,經由心理物理學實驗,比較傳統螢光燈在不同色溫與照度之不舒適眩光,以問卷方式獲得視覺舒適度之主觀評量,以閃光融合閾值量測作為視覺疲勞度的指標。首先利用DIALux模擬已建構之實驗環境,再將色溫、燈具、座標參數代入軟體模擬,並使用模擬結果調整實驗環境的參數。接著統計正式實驗的數據匯入統計軟體SPSS中分析。結果顯示,改變照度等級(500 lux、1000 lux)在人眼客觀疲勞值有達到顯著效果的影響,以500 lux照度表現較差;而改變色溫(2700K、4000K、6500K)在客觀疲勞表現或是主觀疲勞評估皆未達統計顯著水準。The different correlated color temperatures of lamps are used in different places. The warm color of lamps is often used in street lighting on the way home. Boiler rooms and steelworks often use cold colors of lamps to increase the sense of cool. But are the visual comfort and fatigue affected by different correlated color temperatures ? This study aims to investigate the discomfort glare effects of traditional fluorescent tubes with different correlated color temperature and illuminance. By utilizing the evaluation platform and the experimental procedure previously established in the research group, psychophysical experiments were performed to obtain subjective ratings of visual comfort through questionnaires and objective scores on visual fatigue from the critical flicker fusion (CFF) measurements.Detailed experimental design and lighting uniformity measurements were accomplished. Parameters in the DIALux simulation were adjusted according to the experimental design and uniformity measurements; simulation results were used to set the experimental illuminance levels. Statistical analyses of the experimental data were conducted in SPSS to compare visual comfort, visual fatigue and task performance under different lighting conditions.The only significant effect was the surrounding illuminance on the CFF values. Posteriori comparisons showed that the illuminance level of 1000 lux is better than 500 lux in the aspect of objective visual fatigue characteristized by the CFF values. The experimental results showed that changing correlated color temperature did not affect human visual performance in the aspects considered in this study. |
Appears in Collections: | [Graduate Institute of Optics and Photonics] Electronic Thesis & Dissertation