本篇論文是在敘述如何針對台灣國小學童建置一個數學題庫的網頁平台。並從使用者的角度來設計相關功能和一個專屬的使用介面,以便提供使用者所需的數學題型。網站的建制方式是使用php 網頁程式搭配xajax 函式庫產生的javascript 來完成整個網頁製作,並利用MySQL 資料庫來紀錄影片相關資料。希望能藉此提升國小學童數學基礎觀念與計算能力。In this dissertion, we describe the way to develop dynamic web pagesusing mathematical problem bank for the elementary school children inTaiwan. We design a convenient interface so that anyone can generate themathematical problems with ease. In the web design, we use the phpscripting language with xajax library to create many useful javascriptfunctions. In addition, we also use the MySQL database to keep track ofinformaton of the films containing the problem-solving procedure for eachmathematical problem. With the web, we hope to improve the basicarithmetic skill for the elementary school children.