摘要: | 隨著車載通訊技術的發展,智慧型運輸系統已悄悄地加入車輛的行列之中。現在,汽車不僅只有運馱與代步的功能,還結合了安全性、商業娛樂性及調節運輸的功能。車輛更具多樣化與全面性的能力,可降低因車禍的傷亡人數,有效避開壅塞路段,及減少壅塞路段的產生。然而,在車載通訊的無線環境裡,因多重路徑及Doppler效應的影響使得接收端在訊號估測時的位元錯誤率增加,若能提升訊號的錯誤更正能力,必能提升資料傳輸時的效率。在本篇論文中,為降低接收端的位元錯誤率,我們在車用的環境裡以迴旋碼的方式進行錯誤更正,並觀察其位元錯誤率(Bit Error Rate)的變化。惟歐、美、日各有車載通訊標準,為於相同平台上針對編碼效能進行客觀比較,本篇論文在模擬環境的設定上採用美國的標準,並以Matlab進行模擬。According to the development of intelligent transportation systems, vehicle communication technologies had been implemented in vehicles. In this circumstance, vehicle is not only capable for the transportation, but also equipped with many devices which could improve the safety and efficiency factor. A car with variety and fully vehicular communication technology could prevent traffic accident and avoid traffic jam. However, wireless environment which suffer from multipath channel and Doppler Effect makes high data loss and unreliable transmission. In this thesis, IEEE 802.11p transceiver standard and its working environment has been studied. Besides a performance evaluation which observes the performance of Convolutional Code works on high mobility multipath channel has been completed. |