在 IMT-Advanced 行動通訊系統下為了達到傳輸速率1Gbps,LTE-Advanced 規格中制定了許多新技術,而載波聚合為其中重要的技術之一。 於本篇的論文中我們著重於在LTE-Advanced 系統的下行鏈路中如何提高系統吞吐量,針對LTE 和LTE-Advanced UE 提出了全新挑選Component Carriers 以及資源分配方法,並且提出了一套針對GBR 與Non-GBR 不同Traffic 類型的權重計算方式,藉此來找出最高優先權的UE。由於最高優先權的UE 可以挑選 出來比較好Component Carriers 和選擇比較好的MCS 來做資源分配,因此計算最高優先權的式子對於系統來說非常地重要。 最後我們將會透過模擬的方式來驗證所提出來的方法是否能有效提高系統吞吐量,並且探討在本方法中提高系統吞吐量所帶來的優缺點。提高系統吞吐量的優點在於能夠提高系統的使用效率,服務更多的LTE 或LTE-Advanced UE;缺點是會造成LTE-Advanced UE 消耗比較多的電量,因為LTE-Advanced UE 需要開啟比較多的天線來接收或是傳送Component Carriers 資訊來取得比較多的頻寬,進而提升系統的吞吐量。In order to achieve up to 1 Gbps peak data rate in future IMT-Advanced mobile systems, LTE-Advanced has developed many new technologies, and carrier aggregation is one of the most important technologies. In this paper, we focus on how to improve the system throughput in downlink, and propose a new component carriers selection and resource allocation method for LTE and LTE-Advanced UE. And we also propose the weighting function for the GBR and Non-GBR different traffic types, clarifying the priority of UE and selecting the high one. UE of the highest priority can choose the best component carriers and select the RBG with high MCS index for resource allocation. Thus, the calculation of high priority weighting function is the most important one in our system. Finally, we would validate our method through simulation, to check out whether the proposed method can improve the system throughput or not, and investigateadvantages and disadvantages of improving system throughput. The advantage of improving the system performance is that it can serve more LTE or LTE-AdvancedUE with the same resource in the system. But that would make the LTE-Advanced UE waste more power, for the reason that the LTE-Advanced UE need activate more antennas to receive component carriers’ information, getting more bandwidth for the improvement of system throughput.