Abstract: | 隨著可攜式裝置的普及,其中又以平板電腦比起手機更為方便閱讀與操作,比起筆記型電腦更為方便攜帶,以及Android應用程式開發框架的發展,數位學習不僅跳脫了以往時間與空間的限制,更使研究人員獲得更多開放的環境與資源來進行相關服務的開發;且考量到平板電腦可能處於無網路環境中,或需透過網路進行數位內容學習的方式可能造成裝置電量的迅速耗損,故本服務設計以平板電腦本地端的SD Card儲存裝置,以及外接式硬碟來分別存放大量而豐富的數位內容教材資源,亦將數位內容題庫教材整合於高移植(跨平台)性的SQLite資料庫中,期望在未來能以同樣的教材資源資料庫,即可於不同平台上存取;而為了防堵具有版權所屬之教材資料被任意重製,以SQLCipher工具配合SQL命令以AES-256演算法進行資料庫加密,再經由本實作應用程式存取SQLCipher for Android函示庫將解密後的資料呈現於適當的使用者介面中,提供相關行動化數位內容學習之操作。 綜合以上所述,為達到行動化數位學習的目標,本論文實作設計以搭載Android 4.0.3作業系統之ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime TF201平板電腦為開發基礎,在其上建置並管理本地端的學習教材資源,且設計與開發一Android應用系統,具體實現三大行動化數位內容學習服務:多媒體影音教材移植、數位內容互動,及學習歷程記錄。With popularity of mobile devices, the tablets are easier for reading and operation than mobile phones and more portable than notebooks. Also with development of Android application development framework, the digital content learning not only escapes from the limitation on time and space but allows researchers to develop related services via more open environment and resources. Besides, taking into consideration that tablets may be situated at a non-network environment, or device power may be depleted rapidly since the continuous connection to wireless internet while doing the process of mobile learning from online digital contents, so the design of the proposed service is making use of local SD Card in tablet and external hard disk as storages for a large amount of rich digital content material resources. Also, the resources of exam materials will be integrated into a SQLite database, which owns the feature of high portability for different platforms (cross-platform). In addition, for preventing from the arbitrary reproduction of digital content materials with copyrights, the material database is encrypted with AES-256 algorithm through making SQL commands on SQLCipher tool. Then, presenting the decrypted data on the appropriate user interface via accessing to the methods provided from “SQLCipher for Android” libraries, which are included in the implementation of the proposed service, furthermore, users can operate all the digital content learning activities with mobility.To sum up, for achieving the goal of mobile learning, based on the environment of ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime TF201 tablet equipped with Android 4.0.3, the implementation of the proposed service builds and manages local digital content material resources, with design and development of an Android system for realization of three m-learning activities: “Multimedia Material Delivery”, “Digital Content Interaction”, and “Learning Record Presentation”. |