基於Modbus在工業控制上的高度穩定性、可靠性與普遍性的優點,本論文將Modbus應用層協定移植到2.4G RF無線通訊及TCP/IP通訊,進而提出了一個三層架構的無線智慧照明網路雛型系統,此一系統底層是一個Modbus主從架構的無線感測照明網路通訊協定,可以執行溫濕度、亮度等環境感測與照明控制;上層是連結於雲端的行動裝置如智慧型手機或終端電腦,負責遠端照明控制與監測;中間層是一個GVM閘道器,提供遠端行動裝置與無線感測照明網路的智慧型中介軟體,使用者能夠隨時隨地透過網路對終端照明節點進行即時監控或更新其功能。最後我們以居家環境監測和LED照明控制為例來驗證此一無線智慧照明網路的功能性,同時也展示了遠端快速開發和監控的物聯網應用情境。Due to the high reliability and standardization of Modbus protocol in industrial automation, this paper implant the Modbus protocol onto the 2.4G RF wireless communication and TCP/IP communication, and propose a three-tier wireless smart lighting network system. The bottom layer of this system is the wireless sensor/lighting network (WSLN) which can monitor the ambient’s temperature, humidity, and brightness and control the lighting. The mobile devices such as the smart phone or the tablet PC are situated at the upper layer, which are connected via TCP/IP for remote lighting control and monitoring. In the middle layer, we implement a Grafcet virtual machine (GVM) as the kernel of gateway, which provide an ubiquitous computing framework. The user can easily develop and update the event-driven smart lighting function from remote mobile devices. Finally, the experiments demonstrate the ambient monitoring and LED lamp lighting control by using the proposed smart lighting network, the results reveal that our system is applicable for rapid development of IoT(Internet of Things) based smart lighting in the digital home or industrial automation.