台灣政府從2003年至2007年推動「數位學習國家型科技計畫」,在企業面,促進指標型企業(即企業營收前100大金融業、500大服務業、1000大製造業)之數位學習導入率由2003年的14%,提升至2007年的52%。然而2007年台灣指標型企業數位學習導入率已達52%,如何能持續推動讓更多企業應用數位學習,如何增加企業數位學習運用在傳統教育訓練比率,如何增加企業進行教育訓練學習成效評鑑,成為後續規劃推動下一波計畫的重點指標。 本研究整理分析台灣推動「數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫」(2008~2012),提出在企業面數位學習系統功能導入策略與推動做法,經過2008年至2009年推動執行後,本研究將整理分析輔導企業案例,探討其學習系統之功能與成效。除此之外,亦針對指標型企業數位學習導入率由52%(2007年)成長至61% (2009年),顯示台灣指標型企業數位學習導入率已經跨越鴻溝從早期大眾進入晚期大眾;指標型企業運用數位學習占其整體教育訓練時數比率皆有成長;而有進行教育訓練學習成效評鑑之指標型企業由88.8%(2008年)提升至92.8%(2009年)等推動之成果與影響進行討論,提供做為政府與企業有意推動企業導入數位學習之參考。From 2003 to 2007, the Taiwanese government implemented the National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning. From an enterprise perspective, the e-Learning implementation rate among leading enterprises (the top 100 enterprises in the financial industry, the top 500 in the service industry, and the top 1,000 in the manufacturing industry according to revenue) increased from 14% in 2003 to 52% in 2007. With a high implementation rate of 52%, how can we encourage more enterprises to adopt e-Learning, how can we increase the percentage of e-Learning in enterprises education and training, and how can we increase the percentage of enterprises evaluating the effectiveness of education and training as key indicators of the following program. This study collated and analyzed enterprises e-Learning system functions to import strategies and implemented approaches proposed in the Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program (2008 to 2012). Results of the program execution during 2008 and 2009 were obtained and the enterprises involved in the program were analyzed to investigate and discuss the e-Learning system functions and effectiveness. Furthermore, the e-Learning implementation rate among leading enterprises increased from 52% in 2007 to 61% in 2009. Taiwan's leading enterprises of the e-Learning implementation rate already crossed the chasm from the early majority into the late majority. The percentage of e-Learning in overall education and training hours conducted by leading enterprises increased in 2009. The percentage of leading enterprises evaluating the effectiveness increased from 88.8 % in 2008 to 92.8 % in 2009. This study also discusses the achievements and influences of the program to provide a reference for governments and corporations aiming to promote e-Learning in enterprises.